Spirit Blade Productions

Entertainment and Resources for Christian Geeks!

SPIRIT BLADE PRODUCTIONS exists to equip, encourage and inspire Christian Geeks to live in the freedom and purpose Christ offers.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011 Randy Hesson (Vincent Craft) Video!

This week I just posted the first of a two-part video featuring Randy Hesson in a recording session with me.

Listeners will know Randy best as the voice of Vincent Craft in the Spirit Blade Trilogy. These videos feature Randy as he recorded for the role of Vanger in Pilgrim's Progress: Similitude Of A Dream.

Check out the embedded video below or go to the Spirit Blade Videos Page to see it along with all of our production videos!


-Paeter Frandsen

Monday, February 21, 2011 Raan Is The ULTIMATE Led Zeppelin Fan!

Since there won't be a podcast this weekend, I'm taking the week off from "In Search Of Truth" as well. But here's a special treat for you Spirit Blade fans!

Michael Tully, the voice of Spirit Blade's Raan Galvaanik, is a HUGE Led Zeppelin fan. 

In 2007, he and a buddy flew out to England to attend the first Led Zeppelin concert produced in... well, a loooong time!

Not only that, but he was first in line and made it on the news! You can check out the links below for the video he's in. (He even gets interviewed!)

Not to be outdone in his insane Zeppelin geekiness, Mike was quick to clarify that "The dude who speaks first (in the video below) is lying! Andy and I were there first , about 4 hours before them, but we went back to the hotel to get a few hrs sleep, then those guys came and set up in the wrong place, so andy and I lined up in the correct place, first!!!!"

Mike spent a number of years in a Zeppelin cover band (he's also a trained classical vocalist and has his doctorate in Vocal Pedagogy) and his knowledge of the legendary group is freakin' encyclopedic!

The first video has more of Mike (visually) and is a little shorter. The second is a longer cut with more British news anchor commentary, but no more of Mike. Enjoy seeing video of "Raan" for the first time, and in a very unique light!



Friday, February 18, 2011 White Knuckle Week!

The podcast shows have been going WAAAY over time lately, so I wasn't sure if there would be a new episode this weekend. But I checked my server space and it just cleared up in time for me to post this week's episode!

I've been experiencing a surge of other work that has kept me out of my office, so lately I've been doing about all I can just to keep up with my usual activities. (Blogging, day to day e-mails and forum activity.) So things likely don't seem different to you, but I'm hanging on by the skin of my teeth!

Thankfully, I've been able to make just a little bit of time to keep up with the special features monthly release schedule and should be releasing part 1 of Randy Hesson's (Vincent Craft, Vanger) recording session video next week!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, February 14, 2011 Over Capacity!

Things are full to bursting in more ways than one!

First, the last several episodes of the podcast put me way over the top in my storage limits, so I may have to cancel the podcast for this coming weekend to give my hosting capacity time to catch up!

Secondly my side gig, substitute teaching, has had an unexpected surge, keeping me busy most of last week and today as well. So while I'm almost done with "In Search Of Truth" for this week, it just wasn't in the cards for it to go up today. Be sure to check back Wednesday as we continue our look at Romans!

In the meantime, I'll be taking slow, deep breaths and reminding myself that it is actually highly unlikely for someone's head to spontaneously explode.

See ya!


Friday, February 11, 2011 Brent Weeks Interview!

Both parts of my unprecedented interview with Brent Weeks are available to listen to right now!

For the first time in an interview, New York Times Bestselling fantasy author Brent Weeks openly talks about his Christian faith and the role it plays in his writing.

Use the links below for a revealing look at Brent Weeks and his approach to combining his Christian faith with dark, unsterilized fantasy fiction.


Brent Weeks, Part 1 


Brent Weeks, Part 2



  1. Chipper MuseOctober 25, 2011 at 1:11 PM

    Glad I stopped by for this interview. I so appreciated what you and Brent both shared. I'll have to write him a note...the Christian themes don't go unnoticed! He's doing a great job. And I appreciate what you shared about "unsterilized" entertainment. So nice to hear someone talk about that. If you ever get a chance, swing by my blog. I'd love to see what you think of it.

  2. AnonymousDecember 3, 2011 at 10:49 AM

    I wish more people would not only listen to this but write fantasy the way Brent Weeks did with the Night Angel Trilogy. I am a huge fan of the trilogy and I am a young author currently working on my own fantasy trilogy. I started the series about four years ago with a sort of Lord of the Rings type feel, but written in a modern way. Then I read the Night Angel trilogy. I was re-inspired to re-vamp my trilogy adding more religious aspects but giving it a more gritty feel where the characters are faced with life-changing experiences constantly, and even sometimes life-ending experiences. Much like the Night Angel trilogy, not everyone you like is going to make it to the end. Except maybe a few more people die. I was also insipired to make the main character an assassin who is given the choice to give up his life as a killer and embrace prophecies written over the course of ages, but later in the trilogy has to use many of his traits he learned as an assassin and even kill some of his allies. I listened to this interview because I, myself, am a Christian and I was wondering what Mr. Weeks had to say about his faith. I did have a hunch he was a Christian because of the symbolism in his story, but I wondered if he jsut used Christianity as a template for a prominate religion in his works. I am glad to know that he is, and it is quite a cool story that he went from athiest to Christian and how it inspired his wors.

Thursday, February 3, 2011 Brent Weeks Interview, Part 1!

First off, I'll be out on Friday and Monday, so "In Search Of Truth" will be up next Wednesday instead. I'm taking a long weekend to play some "marathon Descent" with my buddy, Mark.

But I posted the podcast early this week. And is this ever a BIG one!

For the first time in an interview, New York Times Bestselling fantasy author Brent Weeks, openly discusses his Christian faith and the role it played in writing The Night Angel Trilogy.

This week I play part one of the two-part interview. It's filled with laughs and fascinating insight. Tell all of your fantasy-loving friends. This is NOT a show to miss!

Then stay tuned for the second half next week!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011 New Video and Live Chat for "Pilgrim's Progress"!

Extras Junkies, rejoice! I've just released a new behind the scenes video on the making of the "Dreadgloom Swamp" sequence in "Pilgrim's Progress: Similitude Of A Dream"!

I've been asked multiple times exactly how this sequence was created, given all of the water involved. It was easily one of the most challenging to record! And for the first time you can see how it was done!

You can see the video, along with all of our other production videos, at:


While you're at it, Mark you calendar for Saturday, March 26th at 6pm MST. That's when we'll be having a live chat for "Pilgrim's Progress: Similitude Of A Dream"! It's a free event. All you need is your own copy of the audio drama so you can sync up with me as we listen to and talk about the project together.

I'll provide information here on how to sign in as we get close to the event, so stay tuned!

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, January 21, 2011 Spirit Blade Audio Book Event!

The Spirit Blade Enhanced Audio Book is coming, and YOU can help get it here! (And maybe even win a prize doing it!)

The unpublished novella on which the Spirit Blade Trilogy is based will soon be available to everyone for FREE in enhanced audio book format, read by myself and featuring sound effects and music from "Spirit Blade: Special Edition" and "Spirit Blade: Dark Ritual"!

I am planning to release it on multiple sites across the web, simultaneously. But I need your help!

For this to have the far reaching potential it's intended to have, I need to release the audio book on at least 10 different sites at once.

Once I have 10 viable sites to launch the audio book on, I will drop everything else* I'm doing and immediately launch the audio book for everyone to download and enjoy for FREE!

With all that I have on my plate right now(prepping the Brent Weeks podcasts, planning and creating behind the scenes videos, publicity networking, etc.) I don't have the time to find the best websites for this endeavor. I've found three so far: podiobooks.com, spoken network, and archive.org. Any suggestions from you would be HUGELY appreciated! And as I said, as soon as I have 10 viable sites, EVERYONE can have this audio book for FREE!

For a website to be a viable host for the audio book files, it must meet the following criteria:

1. I must be able to submit and have them host and distribute the files from their site for free.

2. If they sell audio fiction, rather than primarily give it away, I must have the option to give my files away or set my price at $0.00.

3. I must not be required to place my files in the "Public Domain", though "Creative Commons" is fine.

4. It must be a site where people primarily go for audio fiction. (As opposed to a site purposed primarily for something else that is simply willing to host the files.)

In addition, the first person to suggest the site that I believe will have the greatest traffic of all those suggested, will be awarded with a free download of their choice from the Spirit Blade Productions online store!

There is no deadline for this event. It's simply over once I have 7 viable suggestions. So you can send me one suggestion or send me seven! Just leave a comment here or e-mail me at: paeter(at)spiritblade(dot)net

The arrival of the FREE Spirit Blade Audio Book is entirely in your hands!

Happy hunting!

-Paeter Frandsen

* - does not include the processing of online orders, blog posting, podcasting, caring for wife and children, eating or bathing. (Well, maybe bathing.)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011 Brent Weeks Interview, Feb. 4th and 11th!

I was THRILLED this week to get on the phone and record an interview with New York Times bestselling fantasy author Brent Weeks. (The Night Angel Trilogy, Black Prism)

For the first time in any interview, Brent spoke openly about his personal faith and the role it plays in his writing. It was a fantastic conversation that I was honored to have with him. Both fun and fascinating, this is NOT something you'll want to miss!

I will be playing the two part interview on The Spirit Blade Underground Podcast on February 4th and the 11th.

In the meantime, you can read my review of "The Night Angel Trilogy" or listen to it on the podcast!

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, January 14, 2011 Cool Stuff Comin' Up!

After being pinned down for a couple of days with two sick boys at home, we're all sleeping a little better and I've been able to start getting ready for some fun stuff coming up.

First, I've scheduled my phone interview with the New York Times Best Selling Mystery Fantasy Author I mentioned last week. We'll be chatting on Monday, after which I'll be able to let the cat out of the bag and soon after announce when the interview will play on the podcast! Keep an eye here next week for the big reveal!

I've also determined my release strategy for the "Pilgrim's Progress" behind the scenes video features. I found that the kinds of things in the raw session footage were too diverse to edit together thematically (and still put them out this year), so I'll be releasing the raw footage in 10-15 minute segments with some text commentary embedded in each segment to hopefully provide another layer of interest. I'll begin work on the first one soon and hopefully release it next week or sometime soon after!

Lastly, I'm currently figuring out when to schedule the "Pilgrim's Progress" live chat. So stay tuned for an announcement on that as well!

-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, January 12, 2011 "Pilgrim's Progress" Interactive Commentary!

Once again I'm getting ready to record an audio commentary and this time it's for "Pilgrim's Progress: Similitude Of A Dream". But I can't do it alone! This will be the second "Interactive Audio Commentary" I've created, but the "interactive" part means I need YOUR questions and comments! So fire up your copy of this re-imagined fantasy adventure and then let me know what's on your mind!

I will be producing the commentary in two parts, releasing them for free on the website in February and March. You can send me your questions and comments to include in the commentary by e-mailing me at paeter(at)spiritblade(dot)net, or calling 206-350-1226 and leaving a voice message that I will play as part of the commentary!

Your comments and questions for the first 30 minutes of the project can be sent my way anytime before February 13th. Questions and comments for the second half of the project are due before March 13th.

Be immortalized for all of... uh, however long Spirit Blade Productions is around! I hope to hear from you soon!

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, January 7, 2011 Spirit Blade Productions In 2011

2010 was an extremely satisfying year for me, primarily due to the release of "Spirit Blade: Special Edition", which now allows me to confidently put our best foot forward as I aim to introduce more people to what we're doing at Spirit Blade Productions.

If you read between the lines there, you may be able to guess that I plan to spend more time "marketing" Spirit Blade Productions to a wider audience this year.

If you've been reading this blog for awhile, you know that marketing is my groan-tastically LEAST favorite thing to do. It tends to be extremely boring and repetitive. It's also very difficult for me personally to feel like I'm "selling myself" to people. And yet there's no getting around it. If we're going to impact people’s lives, people have to know about us and engage with what we're doing.

Still, if I have to tackle this necessary evil, I'm going to make it as freakin' fun as I possibly can. Especially for YOU guys!

So what's in store for 2011? Here’s a taste:

The Spirit Blade Audio book-

Okay, there may be some confusion at this point for some of you. Some may be thinking, "Didn't you already release this as the second Archive Disc atspiritblade.net/archives?" Others of you may be thinking, "Didn't you say you were going to release this for free?" The answer to both questions is "yes". Though unfortunately I didn't have time to release the free version in the way I wanted before the end of 2010.

One of my first agenda items this year is to make the Spirit Blade Enhanced Audio book available for free in as many places around the web as possible, hopefully drawing new attention to what we're doing at spiritblade.net. Audio fidelity purists and those who want the commentary for the audio book will still want to get the Archive Disc at spiritblade.net. But those who aren't interested in the commentary and don't mind listening to the audio book in lower fidelity audio will soon be able to find it in what I hope will be a wide variety of locations around the web.

The timing on that isn't set yet. My plan is to find as many sites as I can to submit the audio book to and then run an interactive promotional event with all of you guys that will end with the release of the audio book in multiple places at once. More news on that in the next few weeks!

Newsletter (more exciting than it sounds!)-

If you haven't subscribed to our newsletter yet, this is the year to do it! While continuing to be the place to get all of the biggest announcements from Spirit Blade Productions, in 2011 the newsletter will also be the VIP access portal for giveaways and secret sales that won't be advertised or available anywhere else!

You can subscribe right now at www.spiritblade.net by scrolling to the bottom of the page and entering your e-mail in the field provided! The newsletter typically goes out only once a month(if that) and we don't use or let others use your e-mail address for ANYTHING else.

I've already got at least one CRAZY sale in mind that only newsletter subscribers will know about, so don't miss out!

The Spirit Blade Underground Alliance-

In the last two years, this innovative volunteer community has produced four audio projects that we've made available as free downloads and the response to them has been great! Currently, the next episode in our vampire crime drama, “Of The Night”, is in development, along with the first episodes of a new sci-fi space adventure series and a futuristic, supernatural, “cop drama”. We also plan to return to the fantasy/sci-fi world of “Untold” soon. The outline looks great and the scripts are in development! And I’m very excited about a dark, stand-alone, post-pandemic murder mystery that we will be holding auditions for soon!

This year, I'll be looking for ways to expand the number of people involved in making audio fiction, particularly in the mixing/directing department. I'll also be looking for ways to coordinate the production of entertainment in other media formats for the SBUA. So no matter what kind of creative type you are, I'll be looking for ways to plug you and your skills into this fun, unique and growing creative community! For more information, go to www.spiritblade.net/alliance!

Free Downloads and Special Features-

Although things slowed down a bit in this department in November and December, I will begin releasing a new special feature every month, starting with this month! Now that the initial promotion for "Spirit Blade: Special Edition" is over, I will be going back and releasing the remaining audio and video "behind the scenes" features for "Pilgrim's Progress: Similitude Of A Dream". I had a great time recording this project with the cast, and for the first time you'll have the chance to see video of recurring Spirit Blade Productions actors Randy Hesson(Vincent Craft, Vanger) and Michael E. Bryce(Isaiah Daniels, William Goodblade) as they record for the first episode of this ongoing series. You'll also get to see revealing video on how the Dread-gloom Swamp sequence, one of the most complicated in the project, was recorded.

I'm also excited to announce the future production of "Interactive Audio Commentaries" for both "Pilgrim's Progress: Similitude Of A Dream" and "Spirit Blade: Special Edition"! I had so much fun using your written and called-in questions on the commentary for "Dark Ritual" that I plan to continue the tradition as long as there is interest in it.

Live Chats-

Although the turnout for the "Spirit Blade: Special Edition" live chat was less than I had hoped, I had a great time doing it and will be looking for an excuse to do it again! I also know that not everyone who wanted to was able to participate. So hopefully I'll do better at organizing and promoting the next one! Next on the agenda will be live chats for "Pilgrim's Progress" and "Dark Ritual"! Stay tuned!

Growing Community-

If you haven't noticed the pattern so far, this year is about growing the number of people in the Spirit Blade Community and the number of ways they are involved in the various things we have happening. I'll be exploring ways to attract more people to the podcast and forums and will be looking for your ideas! My goal is that this year the Spirit Blade Community will feel more like YOUR community! My vision for Spirit Blade Productions has always been to develop content and community that is exciting, interesting and spiritually beneficial to the genre-geek community. So if you have any ideas, please send them my way! More than ever before I'll be looking for opportunities to make the community experience the best it's ever been!

Development Of Spirit Blade 3 AND Pilgrim's Progress, Episode 2-

My plan is to record both of these projects at the same time, using a few of the same cast members in both. I will then produce "Spirit Blade 3" first, followed quickly by Episode 2 of "Pilgrim's Progress".

Most of the first draft for "Pilgrim, Ep. 2" is finished and the main outlining for "Spirit Blade 3" is done as well. In the midst of developing the Spirit Blade Community this year, I will be writing the script and songs for "Spirit Blade 3" and finishing/polishing the next "Pilgrim's Progress" script in hopes of recording in late 2011 or early 2012.


Some of the most exciting stuff this year is still "To Be Announced"! There are a few other things simmering on the back burner that I’m DYING to tell you about, but I have to iron out some details before I can officially announce them. One is the addition of one or two Archive Discs featuring new and exclusive content. Another is apodcast interview I’m scheduling with a New York Times best-selling mainstream fantasy author. (He’s already agreed, but until we actually schedule the interview and record it, I’ll have to keep you guessing!)

When it comes to what God has planned, your guess is as good as mine. But the ride is sure to be an interesting one!

Thank you so much for your support and involvement here! I'm pulling out all the stops to make this a year where new people take notice and faithful fans are reminded why this is the place to go for exciting, unsterilized Christian Sci-fi and Fantasy!

-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 Recalibrating

Now that the holidays are over, my wife and I are both back to our full time work schedules for the first time since our second child was born in late October.

It's proving to be a real challenge, since our youngest isn't sleeping through the night yet, which means I'm needed more around the house during the day to compensate for my wife's lack of sleep. Our work days are also both long enough that I have to spend some of mine juggling two kids as well.

The cherry on top is that I think I may have injured my shoulder in some minor way during my first workout this week. Nothing agonizing, but it makes it painful to do a lot of work and dad related things that need to get done. So I'm moving much more slowly right now.

I can't help but think that God is using these circumstances to get my attention about the ways in which I've neglected him lately. The time I once regularly set aside for expanding my Bible study, prayer and other things related to my relationship with God, have been put on the back burner more and more lately, and I can already see how it has weakened me in my day to day life as a husband and dad.

Something really cool happened this week that I think will be GREAT for drawing new, wider attention to Spirit Blade Productions.(Can't talk about it yet, though. Stay tuned.) And considering that my agenda this spring is largely taken up with expanding our listener base, it struck me as a reminder that God is still in this endeavor and hasn't forgotten about it or me. And yet I've had the tendency lately to forget about him.

So as I recalibrate my routine and patterns, aiming to give my relationship with God top priority, I'd appreciate your prayer support.

And come back here Friday for a look at what's coming for Spirit Blade Productions in 2011!

-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Welcome To The New Blog!

Hey Everybody!

Welcome to the new "Spirit Blade Underground Weblog"! If you've kept up with the blog in the past, hopefully the transition was unnoticeable. But if you know of any broken links that lead to the old typepad location, please let me know.

I'm also open to feedback about features you'd like to see on this site. Anything you miss from the old version? Let me know! Any new ideas for the blog? I wanna here 'em!

For updates on current projects and the various "behind the scenes" goings-on at Spirit Blade Productions, this is the place to be. I also post a weekly study called "In Search Of Truth" that aims to take a fresh look at the Bible, chapter by chapter. We'll be back into the book of Romans next week!

You'll also notice that you can subscribe to this blog via feed or direct e-mail. So you never need to miss a single post again!

Thanks for stopping by!

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, December 17, 2010 Normal Schedule Resumes January 3rd

Although I'll still be in my office for the next two weeks, blog posts here and at Paeter's Brain will be unscheduled until January 3rd, when I will resume my normal posting pattern of Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

After this weekend I will also be taking two weeks off from producing the podcast.

During the next couple of weeks, however, I do hope to transition this blog to a new host, giving it a new look as well. I anticipate a pretty seamless transition and I'll be sure to keep you in the loop.

Have a great Christmas, and be sure to come back in January to get a taste of all the great things coming from Spirit Blade Productions in 2011!

-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Busy Week!

It's been a VERY busy week so far, and it doesn't look like I'll be relaxing for a while yet.

For the fifth year in a row I'm leading a caroling ministry I started at our church, collecting baked goods and money and coordinating volunteer carolers to visit people that our caring ministry has identified as needing some encouragement.

The response for baked goods has been pretty sparse compared to previous years, which means I'm doing a LOT more baking and also putting the gift baskets (gift bags, this year) together. 21 in total.

So Spirit Blade Productions is turning into a strictly part-time job this week as this personal ministry takes over. I'm answering e-mails and managing to get the blog posts out, but that's about it!

Ooh! Just remembered that I may have some driving to do right now to pick up some baked goods.


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, December 10, 2010 Podcast Tomorrow AND Planning a Change

I'm looking forward to reviewing "The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader" for the podcast this weekend! But so that I can enjoy it with my wonderful wife, I'm waiting to see it until tomorrow. So the podcast will come a little less than 24 hours later than usual.

In other news, I'm considering a significant change for this blog. Since 2006 I've been using Typepad for The Spirit Blade Underground Weblog. In fact, this blog has been around longer than our main website! (In the early days, in a sad sort of way, it WAS the main website.)

At the time, I went with Typepad (which costs $5 monthly) because they had some functionality I wanted that no free options could give me. Between then and now, the functionality of "Blogger"(where "Paeter's Brain" is hosted for free) has improved and a few of my desires for functionality have also diminished. So it looks like it may be time to transplant this blog to a blogger account and save myself $5 bucks a month. (That's kinda like being guarunteed that I'll sell at least one download of "Pilgrim's Progress: Similitude Of A Dream" or a Song Bundle every month! In this little endeavor, every penny counts!)


The good news is that, if everything works as it's supposed to (wink, wink), the only thing you'll notice is a makeover to the blog. You'll still get there by going to spiritblade.net/blog and the posts will still be fed to both facebook and twitter. (If you subscribe directly to this blog, I will be notifying you of an easy alternative you can take advantage of to get these posts sent to your e-mail.) All previous posts should be there as well.


I'm planning to make the switch sometime this month. But if you have any words of wisdom before I do, the floor is now open for discussion!


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, December 3, 2010 "Emmanuel" Download and More Podcast Interviews In 2011!

Forgot to mention this on Wednesday here, but I've once again made my dark, electronic version of "O Come O Come Emmanuel" available for download atwww.spiritblade.net/freestuff ! Available only in the month of December, so don't miss out!




If you have enjoyed the Christian sci-fi/fantasy author interviews I've had on the podcast in the past but have wondered where they've been lately, you won't have to wait much longer!


After posting an invitation online, my interview slots have been rapidly filling up with an avalanche of new authors!


I'll be doing most of the interviews in January and February, but will be pacing them out on the show for a longer stretch of time so I can still bring you guys the reviews and other content you've come to expect on the show.


If you have any recommendations for authors I should contact to interview, my ears are wide open! The author's I've scheduled interviews with so far represent a wide variety of genres and stories within the realm of Christian sci-fi/fantasy, so there will hopefully be at least one new author for everyone to try out in 2011!


-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, December 1, 2010 My Excuse To Delay Marketing

It's actually a pretty good one. As I've started to organize my strategy for a renewed general marketing effort for Spirit Blade Productions, I've thought about how busy I am with other things going on as a result of the holiday season. Both work related and personal.


Then suddenly I realized that this is actually the situation for a LOT of people. (I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one celebrating or selling product during Christmas these days.) And there are already some things I've decided to put off until January. What are the chances that an e-mail I send to someone telling them about our company will be put off or maybe even deleted and forgotton? Pretty good.


So I've decided to hold off on really diving into new marketing strategies until mid-January, giving me and those I interact with time to play catch-up and see the world with fresh eyes again. Since marketing is about my least favorite part of what I do, this delay is not bumming me out, either. And as an added bonus, this means I get to give nearly my full creative attention to outlining and writing the script for Spirit Blade 3!




-Paeter Frandsen

Monday, November 22, 2010 Holiday Shopping Deals At Spiritblade.net!

It's that time of year again! And we've never had more discounts and specials going on for your holiday shopping than we do this year in our online store, where First Class shipping is always FREE!

All of our audio drama CD sets have been reduced in price, as well as both of our "song bundles"!

We've just released our second "Archive" disc, the long-awaited, much referenced "Spirit Blade" Novella, produced for your enjoyment in an exciting, enhanced audio book format! But the best part is that it's yours for FREE when you place an order that includes a CD set of "Spirit Blade: Special Edition" or "Spirit Blade: Dark Ritual"! 

And don't forget to add our cool, quirky T-shirts to your Christmas list! Available in a variety of colors, sizes and fittings!

This web site contains audio content simulating intense violence that may not be suitable for children.

©2015 Paeter Frandsen. All rights reserved.