Spirit Blade Productions

Entertainment and Resources for Christian Geeks!

SPIRIT BLADE PRODUCTIONS exists to equip, encourage and inspire Christian Geeks to live in the freedom and purpose Christ offers.

Monday, October 31, 2011 Following The Creative Impulse

Last week I made the decision to work only on the songs for Spirit Blade 3 that other actors will be singing, and only enough to fully prepare those actors for their recording sessions.

Since making that decision I've felt a significant change in how I've been looking at my work on Spirit Blade 3. Before, I was dreading trying to "summon" good ideas from nothing, where now I'm excited about the creative process again.

Some writers and other creative types are much more disciplined than I am, taking a philosophy of "just write SOMETHING" even when they don't feel inspired. I envy those folks and the skill they've developed to do that. At the same time, it's not as though I never have times in the creative process when I have to take my work to the grindstone and sharpen it up. It just happens at a different time.

I think maybe those "grindstone" periods work better for me after I've built some creative momentum. When I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. That's how it was for me with a couple of songs in "Dark Ritual". I didn't buckle down and create a couple of them until I was well over halfway through mixing the entire audio drama. But by then I was so excited about how far along I was that it was easier to push through and generate ideas that would work well. (Or at least that *I* thought worked well. You, of course, are the final judge.)

So now as I look at the work ahead of me over the next few months, I'm pretty excited! This week I plan to finish working out the basics I need to for the songs in Spirit Blade 3 that will be sung by other performer, such as Michael Tully (Raan), Sean Anthony Roberts (Saolos) and Randy Hesson (Vincent). I'll also probably be contacting cast members to schedule the official reading session for the script, which will likely take place sometime in January. (Woohoo! I can't wait!) Lastly, I plan to get started on the revision of the script for Pilgrim's Progress: Episode 2, which has been sitting on my computer in rough draft form since the release of Episode 1. (I wrote more than needed last time, so now I'm ahead of the game!)

Over the next few months, there may not be a ton to report regarding Spirit Blade 3 and Pilgrim's Progress Ep. 2, but I'd wager that things will be pretty exciting in my office as those projects quietly build momentum! Meanwhile, stay tuned for some exciting news about an audio book project I'm signing the contract for now, and of course for more details about Spirit Blade: The Adventure Card Game!

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, October 28, 2011 Spirit Blade 3 Songs

I thought I would be taking a different approach to the pacing of song development for Spirit Blade 3 compared to how it happened for Spirit Blade: Dark Ritual. Before, I worked on songs sporadically, only when inspired. I think this resulted in the best work I had to give, but it also meant that I didn't have more than melodies to give Michael Tully to prepare with before he came to record. (Sometimes less than that!)

I had originally resolved to fully develop the songs that other performers would be singing so that they can have a better feel for what the finished product will be while they record. But as I sat down a few times this week to begin work on those songs, I hit a wall and remembered why I did things the way I did last time.

So rather than risk producing forced song creations that are creatively uninspired, I've decided to fall back on the "Dark Ritual" method of working on the songs only when inspired, or when I arrive at their place in my chronological mix of the audio drama itself.

Sorry, Tully! I'll at least try to have a harmonic structure and temp track for you to learn from!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Spirit Blade: The Adventure Card Game!

For the last month or so I've been putting in some extra hours developing a new project that I'm very excited about. (And for you audio drama fans, have no fear. I haven't cut one minute from development efforts on Spirit Blade 3.)

In case you didn't hear the news in last weekend's podcast, I'm thrilled to announce the development of an entirely new kind of product from Spirit Blade Productions! "Spirit Blade: The Adventure Card Game" is planned for release in the first half of 2012, and will allow players to experience the world of Spirit Blade like never before! In addition, the game is designed in such a way as to require zero familiarity with the Spirit Blade universe. So even if you haven't been listening to the audio dramas, you'll easily be able to jump into and enjoy this exciting sci-fi world with your family and friends!

Rather than being competitive, "Spirit Blade: The Adventure Card Game" is a primarily co-operative experience in which one or more players control a group of Seekers as they infiltrate enemy territory to reclaim truth stolen from the world by Atlantis Incorporated and their sinister alien allies, the Sheida.

As the team of Seekers regains valuable information, their resources and capabilities increase, giving new meaning to the expression "knowledge is power"! Meanwhile, one player takes on the role of the enemy forces, choosing who and how they will attack and determining when the Seekers will encounter deadly, automated security measures.

There are countless combinations of enemies, security measures and other obstacles to overcome, meaning that no two games play the same way. And as your group of Seekers gains more resources, they will change as well!

The different types of Seekers you can play are based on the ensemble cast of characters in the Spirit Blade Trilogy and include: Shifter (Merikk), Tech (Raan), Soldier (Vincent), Prophet (David), Sanctafi (Saolos) and Hunter (Ebony).

Enemies featured include types of demons mentioned in the Spirit Blade Trilogy, like Overlords, Demonic Princes and Nephilim. And Seekers will naturally face human opposition as well, such as Shock Troopers, Dark Hunters and Dark Shifters. In addition, Spirit Blade: The Adventure Card Game will expand the Spirit Blade universe by introducing entirely new threats, such as Mercenaries hired to wipe out Seekers and the Atlantis Bio-Mech (pictured above), a hulking blend of cold metal and human flesh.

In the coming months, I'll be showcasing specific cards from the game, highlighting character cards in particular, explaining what each character type can do and how it effects game play. So stay tuned! There is much more coming soon!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 Hymns Almost Locked In!

As of today I've got 3 out of 4 hymns selected for adaptation as songs for Spirit Blade 3. They are fairly obscure, have haunting or dark melodic potential (after I monkey with them a bit) and fit the thematic moments of the story they'll be placed in.

The song count remains at 7, which means that more than half of the songs this time will at least be partially based on hymns, which I never imagined would be possible, but I'm pretty stoked about it. For one, I like bringing the wonderful texts of forgotten hymns into awareness, and for two, having an existing song provides a foundation I can build on, rather than having to create something from scratch. The net result is a significant reduction in production time for the songs and the project as a whole.

For a little perspective, songs based on hymns in Spirit Blade: Dark Ritual include Hour Of Trial, Lead Me, and Death Come Quickly.

I hope to have the last hymn selected by the end of the week so I can start developing the sounds and styles of each song next week!

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, October 14, 2011 200th Podcast Episode Next Week!

Did some math recently and realized that next weekend (the 21st) will be the 200th episode of the Spirit Blade Underground Podcast! Seems like the big 100th episode was just a few months ago!

I'd LOVE to get some comments from you guys that I can use on the show! Maybe some regular segment you've especially liked about the show, your favorite particular review/interview/"In Search Of Truth" segment, or just something else you want to say or share as we celebrate 200 episodes!

You can e-mail me at paeter(at)spiritblade(dot)net or call and leave a message for me to play on the show at 206-350-1226. I usually put the show together early on Friday nights. I'd love to get something from you for the 200th show!

-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, October 12, 2011 Live Chat, Saturday November 5th at 6pm MST!

Woohoo! Time to get excited! I'm scheduling another live chat on Saturday November 5th at 6pm Mountain Standard Time! (Google "Time Zones" if you're unsure how to do the math.)
I'm especially excited because the power (and internet) in my house went out just moments before the last chat I scheduled and I missed the whole thing! Last time was the best turnout we've had yet, but let's see if we can break that record!

The topic will be anything and everything you guys feel like talking about. I'd love to shoot the breeze with you guys and talk geekiness, Spirit Blade productions, or whatever's on your mind.

To join the chat, just go over to spiritblade.net/forums and log in, then scroll down to the bottom of the main page and join the chatbox.

Mark your calendars! I hope to see you there!

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, October 7, 2011 Hymn Research

I've spent most of my "creative hours" this week doing hymn research. In Spirit Blade: Dark Ritual, I adapted at least three different hymns for use as songs, some of which you may have noticed, some you may have not. The idea behind the use of hymns is that the Sanctafi, an order steeped in ancient Christian tradition, have retained many of the oldest hymns for use in their worship, though their copies may be fragmented or distorted in some way as a result of the world wide banning of religious texts.

Since the Sanctafi, and of course Brother Saolos, will again play a very significant role in the story, I'm again looking to the past for forgotten nuggets that will fit with the themes I'm exploring in Spirit Blade 3. Although I've had requests for specific hymns from a few listeners, I'm actually aiming to resurrect obscure material. The less familiar, the better.

I have three hymnals I've been using. A Methodist hymnal (not much use, as it sticks to mostly the "popular" tunes), a Presbyterian hymnal (which has a few obscure ones with text that holds a wonderfully high or "big" view of God), and lastly an old Lutheran hymnal.

The Lutheran hymnal may be my favorite. It was the book that I pulled the verses of "Death Come Quickly" from, and most of the verse melody, too. There are a lot of interesting tunes and texts in that hymnal that, because of their language, the specificity of their use, or the complexity of melody or meter, have not become "popular hymns". There are some wonderfully dark melodies in minor, or that otherwise have the feel of a monastery.

As I go through each hymnal I've been making note of the hymns that have potential to fit my needs. I should be done with that first "scan" early next week, at which point I'll start trying them out and narrowing them down to make my selections.

Although some of the effort has been monotonous, I've also really enjoyed scanning some of the wonderful words that even many traditional churches never see in their corporate worship times.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011 Should I Produce Audio Books?

In the last year or so (and again in the last couple of days) the idea of audio book production has been swimming around in my head, partly because of some opportunities that have come my way to produce audio books.

It's something I'm still just toying with, and may be taking on one or more short audio book projects in the coming months to "test the waters" and carefully log my hours so I can better estimate the work involved in doing more audio books in the future.

I don't want to become distracted from projects I already have cooking. But I also want to always be thinking about the company's future, and doing the right audio book projects creates potential income in a much shorter time than producing an audio drama, and it's another way to get the company name out there.

Do you guys have any thoughts about me giving some of my time to audio books? Should I stick to audio drama 100%? Should I ditch audio drama and go with audio books?

I'd be very interested to get some opinions on this. Thanks!


  1. Nathan J. NormanOctober 6, 2011 at 9:01 AM

    In any good business model it is generally advised to stick with your product until you become a master at what you produce before expanding into other areas. Right now I think you've mastered the audio that you do (podcast and audio dramas). Expanding into audio books makes logical sense. And while technically different than the dramas . . . it reflects the ethos of SBP, and has the potential of generating revenue more quickly than audio dramas(Have you seen what audio books go for today?!!!!!) if you're able to produce them faster. From a calendar perspective it will help fill in the gaps of your release schedule so that fans of SBP will have more opportunities to buy your products. Audio books (depending how you go about it) will also diversify the company's selection of speculative fiction, which can draw in more people. Finally, assuming that you'll be producing dramas for other authors, SBP will draw in some (not all) of the author's fans when they go to check out what other projects are available through SBP. 

    The only major down-side that I'm seeing from your post here is the time factor. If audio books are going to make it difficult to get the podcast out, or push back SB3 by more than three (maybe four months), they might very well have a negative impact on SBP. If their addition, however, has you shorten the length of the podcast (maybe missing a few more than usual) and pushes back the release of SB3 by only a couple of months . . . then I think the benefits will greatly outweigh the consequences. It really sounds like it's a time factor here.

  2. Paeter FrandsenOctober 6, 2011 at 1:05 PM

    Thanks, Nathan. I think your words are well thought out. The time factor is the key thing. The project I'm considering now will take an estimated 15 days of my schedule, without impacting regular activities like the blogs, podcast or answering e-mails. I think it will be a good chance to get better at estimating work hours on audio book projects. And your points about pulling in new fans and having more material released between audio dramas have both been part of the appeal for me.
    Thanks again for the input!

  3. Greg MitchellNovember 25, 2011 at 1:21 PM

    I would say NEVER stop doing audio dramas, because you're too good at it. But I think an audio book here or there would be incredible, if produced by you.

  4. Paeter FrandsenNovember 25, 2011 at 1:53 PM

    Thanks, Greg! I went ahead with the contract for the audio book I was considering and I'm very excited about it! And I don't see ANY chance of me ditching audio drama. I enjoy it too much and it seems to me the best way for me to tell the stories I want with the quality and style in which I want them to be told. I'm excited for what the future may hold!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011 New Free Audio Drama!

At long last I am able to present the newest audio drama from The Spirit Blade Underground Alliance, the online creative community of volunteers sponsored by Spirit Blade Productions!

Why "at long last"? Because this project has actually been in development longer than any other project the Alliance has released. It was the first script I gave a green light to and the first to hold auditions. But for reasons that still puzzle me, God has chosen again and again to delay the development of this project. Three different mixers have taken it on and both of the first two had to step away from it because of some difficult things that came into their lives beyond their own control.

After many more months of searching for an interested mixer, a new mixer joined the Alliance and eagerly took on this project a few months ago. He's done a wonderful job and as of today I've posted the audio drama on the Spirit Blade Underground Alliance page.

It's called "DSI Files: Unlucky Seven", and is set in a future where special agents sanctioned by the church are sent out to investigate and deal with significant spiritual events or threats. The script is a cool blend of sci-fi and the supernatural (which you know *I* dig!) and I hope you enjoy checking it out!

You can download it for free right now on the Alliance page!

Monday, September 26, 2011 Getting Back In Shape

Next week, as I return to developing the songs for Spirit Blade 3, I'll also be starting a new, daily regimen of vocal exercise.

While re-recording some vocals for the Special Edition of Spirit Blade, I noticed that my vocal endurance and some of my upper range flexibility had weakened since recording for Dark Ritual. Spirit Blade was recorded just a couple of years after I graduated from college as a vocal performance major. Dark Ritual was recorded shortly after two years of serving as a worship pastor, which involved regular vocal exercise. But since then I haven't had a vocal regimen built into my daily routine, and it's finally begun to show.

Although I'll continue producing music now and then after Spirit Blade 3, I don't really plan to do as much of it. But I still want Spirit Blade 3 to have the best voice possible from me. So, like an actor who goes to the gym for three months before filming that superhero movie, I'm going to be working my voice as hard as I safely can so that when it comes time to record my song vocals for Spirit Blade 3 I'll have all the options I want in terms of vocal range and tonal qualities.

Part of me is looking forward to getting my voice back in shape, but another part of me dreads adding more to my day that does not directly advance the development of a new project. But for every grand vision there are numerous details that have to be stacked one on top of the other in order to assemble the final product. And if this has to be one of them, well... at least it will be more enjoyable than marketing.


  1. Ricky aka RicksterSeptember 27, 2011 at 1:58 AM

    You could just kill Merikk off in the very beginning of Spirit Blade 3 and save your self the stress of working out your voice or you could just no have Merikk sing. 
    LOL good luck with your routine can't wait to hear SB3

  2. Paeter FrandsenSeptember 27, 2011 at 4:51 PM

    I've got it! In Spirit Blade 3, Merikk... will rap!

  3. RickySeptember 27, 2011 at 4:58 PM


Friday, September 23, 2011 Catching Up On Creative Tid-bits

With my new laptop up and running and the first draft of Spirit Blade 3 finished, I've been anxious to get into work on development of the songs for Spirit Blade 3. But I've also seen how other projects have fallen to the wayside during my writing streak, made more obvious as I've been playing catch up recently.

So instead of charging ahead with the songs, I've decided to take about a week and make sure some smaller projects and tasks I've committed to doing get done.

Among those are the release of a Spirit Blade Underground Alliance audio drama that has been in development even longer than the first audio drama The Alliance released! A series of unfortunate events have kept the project in "limbo" for a long time, but it looks like it will finally be seeing release very soon!

I'm also working on a short bit of audio fiction written by Nathan James Norman, the writer of The SBUA audio drama, "Untold: Alliances". It will be featured on the podcast in October to coincide with the Halloween season (it has vampires and werewolves!) and will be an effort on my part to explore an additional creative avenue for Spirit Blade Productions. (More on that in October.)

I hope to be back into development of the songs for Spirit Blade 3 by this time next week, but of course I'll be sure to give you the latest details right here!

Have a great weekend!

-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, September 21, 2011 The Laptop Is Dead! Long Live The Laptop!

Over the weekend my laptop sputtered and died, finally giving out after at least three years of faithful service. Although I do all of my audio mixing and other production work on my desktop, my beaten up Dell laptop was where I spent most hours of a typical work day, answering e-mails, posting to blogs and other web activities.

This particular laptop was my first, a hand me down that my sister and her husband gave us when they upgraded. The timing was perfect, as I was going to have to begin working while watching our oldest son at the same time. That was at least three years ago. These days, I couldn't keep Spirit Blade Productions running without a laptop. (Or without pulling out my hair and having some kind of mental breakdown.) So I quickly spent some of Monday and all of Tuesday researching laptop options, making a purchase and getting my new laptop set up.

During this somewhat stressful transition, two thoughts occurred to me that make me very grateful.

First, I reflected on what an effective and meaningful gift that old Dell laptop was. Karyne and Jon, thank you so much for your thoughtfulness, which made it possible for me to keep my work moving forward. It might have been a small thing to you, or maybe more of a sacrifice than I realize. Either way, it made a huge impact on my ability to do what I do and saved me a lot of money that we didn't have.

Second, I realized that because of the purchases made by those of you who listen to our audio dramas, I was able to purchase this laptop without pulling any funding from our personal finances. (A big deal given that we still contribute some money every month to fund the company.) and without hindering our ability to fund our upcoming projects.

So I just wanted to give you guys a tangible example of how your support literally makes what I'm doing possible. Thank you so much!

-Paeter Frandsen

Monday, September 12, 2011 Downloads 50% OFF Through End Of September!!

I've just launched another CRAZY BIG SALE in our online store!

From now through the end of September, you can get the digital download versions of our audio dramas, as well as our two song bundles, for HALF OFF!

"Spirit Blade Special Edition" and "Spirit Blade: Dark Ritual" are both just $4.99 each!

"Pilgrim's Progress: Similitude Of Dream", and our song bundles are just $2.49 each!

If you've never tried out our productions before, now is the time! And if you're already a fan, let someone else know that there's no better opportunity to experience Spirit Blade Productions!

-Paeter Frandsen



  1. AnonymousSeptember 12, 2011 at 7:40 PM

    You must have latent telepathic abilities! I've been wishing for a sale since I plaintively googled Christian Sci Fi -expecting little to nothing- and found Spirit Blade Productions (happiest discovery of the year, by the way). Thanks!

  2. Paeter FrandsenSeptember 13, 2011 at 4:30 PM

    Cool! Glad the timing worked out and I hope you enjoy what you hear!

Friday, September 9, 2011 Script Finished, New Video and Sale Next Week!

This has been a HUGE week and I've got a handful of things to update you on.

First, on Wednesday I finished the first draft of the "Spirit Blade 3" script, and last night I read through it with my wife. We were both very happy with it overall and also made notes of a few details to fix. Thankfully, it does not appear to be running as long as I feared. It will still be longer than "Dark Ritual", though. We're probably looking at a 4-disc set with a run time of around 4 hours once songs have been added in. Today I'll be fixing a few details based on quick notes we made last night. After that I'll begin figuring out where the songs will fall and what themes they will cover so that I can begin the development of the music.

Yesterday I uploaded an odd new video to our Youtube channel that will serve as an "example" for a video creation event I will be launching soon from our monthly newsletter. Keep an eye out there for details. There will be free stuff in it for anyone who participates, so if you're not subscribed to our newsletter, go subscribe now!

Lastly, next week I will be launching a sale that will run through the end of September, giving big discounts on all of our digital download products! I will make an announcement on this blog as soon as the sale has launched. So keep checking back here early next week!

Have a great weekend!

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, September 2, 2011 Finishing The First Draft And The Future Of "Spirit Blade"

I'm amazed at how fast I've been writing the first draft for "Spirit Blade 3"! Yesterday and today I've wrapped up three plot threads and I'm currently writing the climax. 

I plan to go back through the script to ensure that there is a good amount of action throughout, but I think I can safely say that it ramps up enough at the end, with enough epic scale, to be worthy of the end of a trilogy. 

But while writing the big fun action at the end of this script, I'm also writing the final scenes I'll probably ever write for at least some of these characters. There are elements of both triumph and tragedy as this story comes to a close, and it's fittingly sad that I prepare to say goodbye to these characters and their stories. 

Yet I still wonder if this will really be the last we'll see of Merikk and his allies (or his enemies for that matter). It's too soon to make any announcements. In fact, it may fizzle and no announcement will come. But I can at least say that I have been toying with an idea that will in some way continue the world of Spirit Blade. In fact, more than "toying", I've spent extra hours every night this week intensely exploring a possibility that, if it works as I hope, will mean a new "Spirit Blade" experience for you all to enjoy. (And for those reading the forums, I am not referring to the potential i-phone game, which I'm also excited about!) 

There is still plenty of conceptual work to be done, but I'll say I'm VERY excited about this idea, and hope it will be something I can launch at the same time that Spirit Blade 3 is released. That's all I can say for now. Let the speculation commence! 

Have a great weekend! 

-Paeter Frandsen 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011 Live Chat Saturday September 10th!

Mark your calendar for Saturday, September 10th at 6pm Mountain Standard Time! We will be hosting a live chat for the Spirit Blade Community on our forums! 

Just head over to the Spirit Blade Underground Forums on the 10th for the chat, sign in or create a free account if you haven't yet, and join the chat box at the bottom of the main page! 

The chat will go for one hour. (6-7pm MST) There's no specific topic or agenda for the chat. We just figured we were overdue for some hangin' out! Hope to see you there! 

-Paeter Frandsen

This web site contains audio content simulating intense violence that may not be suitable for children.

©2015 Paeter Frandsen. All rights reserved.