Need Your (QUICK And EASY) Help!
"Spirit Blade: A World Of Shadows" is releasing Monday, July 18th, but no one will hear it if they don't know about it!
Please join our Thunderclap campaign to help get the word out. Just a few clicks from you can make all the difference for this project and Spirit Blade Productions! Thanks for your consideration!
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Thunderclap Page-
Spirit Blade: A World Of Shadows (Trailer & Release Date)
"A World Of Shadows" Off To Print! - SBP Newsletter
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SBP Has Gift Codes!
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SBP Newsletter, 8/15
Archived Posts
Just a quick note to all who may be interested in browsing through the history of posts included here:
The posts you will find prior to this one were all transferred to this site from previous incarnations of The Spirit Blade Underground Weblog. For this reason, many of the links they contain will be out of date or non-functional.
Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions or have trouble finding what you're looking for. I'll be happy to help however I can!
Happy browsing!
-Paeter Frandsen