Original SBP Blog Archived Posts
Below is a lengthy collection of posts from the very first Spirit Blade Productions blog. Preserved here only for the TRULY obsessed!
Paeter July 7, 2006 at 11:38 AM
The TRAILER for "Spirit Blade" is now available for you to listen to in MP3 format!!
I haven't set up a podcast yet, but if you'd like to have a zip file of the MP3 trailer sent to you, send me an e-mail request. (You will not be placed on the "Spirit Blade" mailing list unless you specifically request it, nor will your e-mail be given away or used for anything else.)Brad July 10, 2006 at 6:19 AM
Hey Paeter,
Heard the trailer today.... Blown Away is the words I can use to describe the sheer sound quality, and that was on MP3. I know it's been a long time working on this project, and I know that you can get used to hearing things when you work on them for so long.... I think back to what I heard at your house 2 years ago and what I'm hearing now is crazy awesome... GREAT JOB!Paeter July 11, 2006 at 5:40 PM
I had an exciting flash of inspiration today regarding some plot outline for the Spirit Blade follow-up project. Of course this may seem a little early for many of you that haven't even heard the first project yet, but I can't wait to see what kind of hell I can put these characters through in the next chapter of this saga! (You always hurt the ones you love. And I love these characters a WHOOOLE lot!) The introductory story you'll all get a chance to hear soon has some pretty intense violence. But that'll all be a picnic compared to what "Merikk and friends" will have to endure in the future. Darker days lie just ahead...
As for the plan for future installments, I hope to have a script-reading session of some sort before Christmas, and to begin recording at the end of this year, or in early '07.
There will be some new characters popping up soon that I'll also need to do casting for.
Depending on how long I make each new project, that could mean a release date for as early as summer/fall of '07 for the next chapter.
That's being pretty optimistic, but I am confident that with the extra time I'll have soon, coupled with my constantly increasing efficiency at mixing, future projects will take much less time to produce. That's all for now!
See ya!Paeter July 13, 2006 at 5:51 PM
Well, I thought I might have a relaxing night playing some video games, but "Spirit Blade" called to me again. The song "Destiny", a duet between me and Joyce Smith, wasn't sitting well with me. It seemed incomplete somehow. A skeleton where there should be more meat in the layering of tracks. So I took a few hours and added some extra percussion tracks and a bass line to help build the song and I'm really pleased with the way it turned out. The emotional tension steadily builds throughout the song now and makes things a little less predictable for the listener, which is always good. Once we launch a website for "Spirit Blade", I hope to include podcasts that will let people hear several songs from this project in their various forms of evolution. I've got one or two songs that, if I play the vintage recordings from when I first performed them with a live band more than 6 years ago, you won't recognize! But yikes, were they ever bad then!
Till next time, "may all your hits be crits!"Paeter July 16, 2006 at 4:18 PM
I met with Ryan, my graphic designer, last Thursday and we've zeroed in on the layout for the interior and exterior of the CD case. We'll be meeting again in about two weeks and I'll see what he's come up with. If it's anything like the cover, I'll approve it and we'll be off to the races. We've chosen our duplication company and I have given some preview copies out to a few people to help me polish up any sound quality issues I may have missed or not heard on my available playback sources. My original plan was to send it off for duplication by the end of August, but the beginning or middle of August seems more likely now. About 6-8 weeks ago I began really getting ahead of schedule which has been very exciting. Ask my wife. I'm not the "ahead of schedule" type. So God seems to be energizing this process. Things are getting pretty exciting around here!
Later!Paeter July 20, 2006 at 1:02 PM
I'm taking my outline and first scripted scene for the Spirit Blade sequel up to our church's annual camp this weekend. Lots of rain is forecasted, which would be great for writing! Hopefully I'll come back and have a few more scenes completed or some further outline done.
Unfortunately, since I'll be away from home, I won't be able to add any comments to the weblog until Monday, or maybe Sunday at the earliest. 'Till then, have a great weekend everybody!Paeter July 24, 2006 at 12:41 PM
I'm deep in the realm of mastering today. Boy, it's a good thing I love this project, because it's driving me nuts to listen to it over...and over...and over...and over... Still on schedule though, and things are looking good!
Paeter July 26, 2006 at 2:31 PM
Okay! Just got done making some adjustements to the mix on the first disc. I've also finished making notes from listening to the project in my CRV. The final sound source I'll listen to the project on will be my home theatre system, first calibrating the sound output by listening to some of the "Left Behind" audio drama on CD. That series, produced by Gap Digital for Focus On The Family Radio Theatre, has been one of the industry standards I've committed to matching or whenever possible, exceeding. I'm setting the bar pretty high for myself, but since I'm the only guy working on this, I really have to. I'm a Jack of many trades in this process, but Master over none of them. Still, I'm doing all I can to demand professional quality from this project, so I hope you are all pleased with the results! After all, this is for you guys!
Okay, enough of this computer, time to read today's comics!
See ya!Paeter July 30, 2006 at 5:21 PM
I'm doing some re-mixing on "Soldiers", one of Mike Tully's songs.
I think it's close to being where I need it, but I'm going to tackle it again with fresh ears tomorrow.
The folks helping adjust the mix for various sound sources should have all their notes to me by end of day Tuesday, and I'll then spend the rest of the week evaluating their thoughts, looking for common threads and making adjustments to the mix appropriately.
Ryan and I are meeting this coming Thursday to finalize the interior layout of the CD case. It's all coming together! In just a few weeks I'll be done working on Spirit Blade and ready to tackle scripting of the sequel at full speed!Paeter July 31, 2006 at 4:35 PM
I've spent months considering whether or not to put an effect on the Nephilim's voice and today decided to go ahead with it. He's never had an effect on his voice in any of the previous incarnations, but I concluded that it will help tell the story more clearly. After making that adjustment and polishing up the mix on a couple songs, I'm just days away from finalizing the mix on the entire project!
Paeter August 1, 2006 at 3:40 PM
Ryan sent me a preview of the CD interior artwork and layout. It's right on the money, so our meeting on thursday will probably be me doing a lot of nodding and smiling.
Once it's finished and I've paid Ryan for his work I'll have to send a preview of it to those of you on the mailing list!Paeter August 2, 2006 at 5:00 PM
So tonight I registered with a few online Job Search services.
Kind of a scary thing after four years of job security. So, listen, if anyone knows of an opportunity here in the Mesa area for a part-time, non-retail position, I'd love to hear about it!
I'll be needing work starting late September/beginning of October. Thanks!Paeter August 3, 2006 at 4:27 PM
Had my meeting with Ryan today (Barely. I went to the wrong restaurant first.) and he's done an awesome job with the CDs and CD case design. I'll be having people help me proof-read it over the next few days to make sure "their" are no mistakes that I've made.
We'll be sending it off for duplication 7-14 days from now, and from that point it will be about one month before I get them all at my doorstep, which means I finally have an officially estimated release date of September 14th, give or take 7 days.
I'll be able to nail that down more precisely as we get a little closer.
Have a good one!Paeter August 5, 2006 at 9:57 AM
Booooring. That's my work on Spirit Blade today. Nothing creative or fun, just a bunch of monotonous processes that I need to carry out with the audio files to increase the volume output. It needs to be done, but yikes. I'm glad this isn't what I spend most of my time doing!
Paeter August 6, 2006 at 1:47 PM
Yesterday while doing some sweeps of various scenes, I remembered three sound effect cues that I still needed to replace, since the versions currently in use were utilizing sound effects liscensed for live performance, but not for recording. We got our hands on them for the live show and I always knew they would have to be replaced, but I'd forgotten to get around to it until now. Pretty slick, huh?
Anyway, despite some initial frustration with various "computer issues" that I won't go into, the sound effects have been replaced and the project is now completely legal. Yay!
For those who have been part of the testing process, I doubt you'd ever notice the difference. Two were ambient backgrounds of a press conference and a ballroom, and one was the sound of Raan's "spirit vision goggles" late into the second disk. The sound effects have been replaced with nearly identical sounds and I'm really happy with the update.
So with no real delay in progress, it's still "onward and upward" as my Boss/Senior Pastor would say.
Later!Paeter August 7, 2006 at 6:52 PM
Well, I MAY be done mastering the entire project!
It's hard to stop working on it, but I'm getting close to being ready!
oooh, just got hit by a wave of spleey. Oops. (LOL!) I mean SLEEPY.
'Night!Paeter August 9, 2006 at 4:23 PM
I've had several people help with proof-reading on the CD case and CDs and have sent the changes to my graphic designer.
We're on track and going strong!Paeter August 13, 2006 at 12:32 PM
Today I finished polishing for presumably the last time and burned it all to two CDs. I'll be giving the project a final listen on my available sound sources and then sending it off to duplication this week, probably on Thursday morning.
God is teaching me about "letting go" right now, as I mentioned in "Paeter's Brain". There are a few things I would LOVE to make better. But at the end of the day, this is an independent project assembled by one man and his Dell. I can only do so much.
So for now, I learn to let go, and ask for God to do the work that I'm incapable of.
You can be praying that if there's anything I need to change or fix before sending it off, that I'll hear it in my various listen-through's before then.
Thanks for your support, everyone! I'll keep you posted, so keep watching here!Paeter August 17, 2006 at 4:37 PM
Hey everybody!
I've just finished putting everything together that I will mail off tomorrow morning to have "Spirit Blade" put into duplication! I can't believe we've gotten to this point!
I'm estimating that the CDs will be back around the 3rd week of September. As of now, my work on the project is done, and it's on to finding distribution and determining market strategy, in addition to scripting the follow-up to "Spirit Blade", which will feature the same characters in the first of many more stories set in the same world.
The epic has only begun!
In addition, I'm also planning a "re-imagining" of the classic tale "The Pilgrim's Progress", that will allow me to explore truths of a life walked with Christ, while really flexing the muscles of my imagination! For those who have read the classic work, you may have an idea of the potential for a really creative, modernized and completely re-created version. Both that project and the next "Spirit Blade" will be in development simultaneously with more time given to whichever one I'm most inspired to write. Rest assured though, I'm not slowing down in the least!Paeter August 19, 2006 at 5:24 PM
It felt very funny yesterday to not work on Spirit Blade. So I did! The sequel, that is. I only worked for about 45 minutes, but it was enough to get a few ideas connected in my outline for what comes next. Once that started happening, I began to get pretty excited!
Finally, I'm back to the purely creative stage, where it's all dreams and ideas, instead of the monotony of listening and evaluating endlessly.
I forgot how FUN this part is!Paeter August 22, 2006 at 3:00 PM
Holly and I met with an accountant today to get advice for the business prep end of "Spirit Blade". Much of it was way over my head, but my wonderful wife speaks that language very well. She asked lots of great questions, took good notes and we both walked away feeling equipped.
Holly is actually excited to keep the books for this new business of ours. (Whew!)That's a relief!Paeter August 23, 2006 at 12:44 PM
Not much in the way of updates today. I'm looking at possibilities for marketing through Indieheaven.com and independantbands.com. The former may not be the right fit, and the latter may be closer but still no cigar. I'll have to take some time out for a serious evaluation of each.
Meanwhile, I'm still looking for the right part-time job that will bring in some extra money, but allow me to pour all my energy into producing.
Please pray for God to make his will clear, and for me to walk more closely with him than ever before. Thanks everybody!Paeter August 28, 2006 at 5:21 PM
Proof approved!
Yesterday, Ryan and I looked over the proof that the manufacturing company sent to us and it was perfect! This morning I sent it via overnight Fed-ex and away we go! Now it's just a matter of waiting.
Ryan and I also spent some time talking about the website for "Spirit Blade" and what we'd like to see happen there. We're aiming for an official website launch of October 1st, with a website that gives a synopsis of "Spirit Blade", the trailer, the ability to purchase via Paypal, and a link to this blog, which will also see some exciting cosmetic changes! So hold on! Things are a-brewin'!Paeter September 2, 2006 at 3:48 PM
Did some updating on my MySpace page today and included the "Spirit Blade" CD cover as background. I also found some webrings and online Christian sci-fi/fantasy communities online that I hope to connect with soon.
I don't have an exact date on when the CDs will be back but it's probably in less than 3 weeks, a little over two, so get excited! I am!!Paeter September 7, 2006 at 6:58 PM
My wife, Holly, and I had our first regularly scheduled "business meeting" today, and discussed shipping options: Packaging, which service to use etc.
We're doing our best to make "Spirit Blade" as accessable and affordable to all of you as we can.
It's amazing how accessable a product like this is today, compared to even 10 years ago. The advancement of the online world really makes it possible for independent arts to thrive in a way they never could.
Pretty cool, huh?Paeter September 10, 2006 at 2:06 PM
If all goes as planned, we'll be getting the CDs this Thursday or Friday!
The release date isn't changing, however, since we'll need time to do inventory and finish determining shipping costs, etc.
You can pray, however, that the shipment will arrive on schedule, and that the CDs will be without defect. Thanks, everybody!Paeter September 13, 2006 at 12:10 PM
Slight delay in CD shipping.
The manufacturing company we're using was sent the wrong CD cases by the company they ordered them from. ARGH!
The good news is that this shouldn't have any effect on the release date.
And I'll still be getting 50-100 units by the middle of next week, so it won't affect the pre-release schedule a whole bunch either.
The main bummer is for me and Holly. We were anticipating holding "Spirit Blade" in our hands by the end of this week, but it looks like we'll have to wait a few more days.
Well, this recording has been more than two years in the making. We can handle a few more days.Paeter September 18, 2006 at 3:51 PM
I'm part way through the process with getting Paypal set up. Now Ryan will go to work integrating it into the website.
The CDs will arrive any time between now and Thursday!Paeter September 19, 2006 at 4:12 PM
We got the first small shipment today and everything looks/sounds great!
I'll be sending out the first few pre-release copies tomorrow!Paeter September 20, 2006 at 6:24 PM
The rest of the CDs arrived today and they look GREAT! I'm still doing inventory, though. (oh the mind-numbing sameness of it all!)
Holly and I are getting our ducks in a row and October 1st we'll be operating at full steam and ready to send out copies ordered at the ".net" site!Paeter September 22, 2006 at 2:47 PM
We had some close friends and family over tonight for a (sort of) "pre-release party". It was a lot of fun to celebrate this milestone and pass out copies to the people we love!
I also spent a lot of time today changing my work room. It's about half-way done, but by early next week I'll have a much better environment to do study, research and writing in while moving forward on marketing and distribution as well.Paeter September 23, 2006 at 2:48 PM
I sent out the first group of CDs today to some friends and family. Part of it is a test for different shipping methods. After I hear back from those getting them, we'll have a better idea of how to ship the CDs quickly and safely.
Paeter September 26, 2006 at 1:29 PM
My workspace at home should be straightened out tomorrow sometime. Ryan and I are working on display cases now for use in bookstores and churches.
The October 1st release date is coming up fast! In just a few days you'll be able to order your copy at spiritblade.net! Don't forget to tell your friends about us!Paeter October 2, 2006 at 4:07 PM
A magazine reviewer agreed to review "Spirit Blade" in his annual publication about the underground electronic music scene from a Christian perspective. His initial thoughts after listening to it were very positive! I'll refrain from listing his name or publication until it's a done deal, but it was exciting to hear that I'll have a review to post on the website!
Paeter October 9, 2006 at 5:09 PM
Today I spent a great deal of time working through an initial marketing strategy. I sent out e-mails to magazines and websites and refined my vision for our target audience. It was a good process and it's not finished, but I determined I'll need a small, easily attainable CREATIVE pursuit to accompany all the business stuff I'll be doing over the next few weeks. I'm not quite ready to buckle down and continue scripting for the sequel yet. Soon, though. Don't worry. Instead, I'll be spending my "break times" working on a dark, electronic version of "O Come O Come Emmanuel" to be made available, for free, to you all in time for the Christmas season. It will incorporate various sound effects that will facilitate the message I want to put into this ancient hymn and will have a very unique flavor to it.
Should be a fun way to divert me from "business boredom" from time to time!Paeter October 10, 2006 at 5:11 PM
A very productive day! It was exciting to spend a great deal of time searching the internet for various communities that would benefit "Spirit Blade" to advertise in. We've got some leads, and I've sent out a ton of e-mails. Now we've got a few folks to hear back from and some decisions to make regarding how we spend our money to market right now.
Please be praying for us as week make those decisions over the next two or three weeks.Paeter October 22, 2006 at 2:49 PM
This week I will begin development on an exciting supplement to "Spirit Blade". It will be "A Discussion Guide For The Exploring Mind" that will allow groups who listen to "Spirit Blade" together in 10-15 minute segments, to explore the themes presented, discuss their ideas and read some relevant portions of scripture for deeper application to their lives and philosophy of living.
I'll probably include different levels of depth in the thoughts and questions for each section to allow for different group dynamics as well as ages, the idea being that from junior high student to retiree, there will be plenty to stimulate your brain and to learn with whoever you're sharing the experience with.
I'm also considering adding some fun "behind the scenes" facts to each section so that those going deeper with the philosophy of "Spirit Blade" will also get an inside look to how it was made and the people involved. You won't want to miss out!
I don't have a time table for this yet, but as always, I'll keep you posted!Paeter October 24, 2006 at 3:49 PM
Today I divided the tracks on both CDs into segments for group discussion. Now I'll be going through each "segment" and pulling out topics and phrases for people to discuss together after listening to each segment.
I'm really enjoying this new project since it plays well to my wiring as a teacher. Guess it's in my blood. Thanks Mom and Dad!Paeter November 3, 2006 at 3:38 PM
Today was a great writing day! I'm hoping to continue building momentum as I write scenes for the next chapter of "Spirit Blade"!
Paeter November 5, 2006 at 12:27 PM
Last week I secured my first tiny bit of distribution with "A Different Drum". As soon as it's in their online catalog I'll put a link to it here and tell you more about them. A small step, but still a very exciting one!
I'm doing at least two days of substitute teaching this week, but I've made some good headway on scripting scenes for "SB2". It's been a lot of fun to come back to these characters and watch their story continue. I forgot how much I care about them!
Later!Paeter November 6, 2006 at 1:44 PM
Spent some more time on the Discussion Guide for "Spirit Blade" tonight. I'm really enjoying listening through "Spirit Blade" and remembering all the things that I wanted to say through these characters. Hopefully the discussion guide will allow people to process some of these concepts more deeply and bring about some positive change in their lives.
Paeter November 7, 2006 at 2:00 PM
Had to work out some kinks recording my keyboard to my computer today, but now that they're straightened out again I'll be back on track with "O Come O Come Emmanuel." You can look forward to a free download of the finished song available right here at the beginning of December!
It certainly won't sound nastolgic, but it will hopefully inject some extra meaning to your Christmas celebration this year.Paeter November 13, 2006 at 1:54 PM
I'm hoping to create a thread for free downloads on this site. Tomorrow (Tuesday) will be a full day dedicated to "Spirit Blade Productions" and that's one of the things on my list. Check back for a free music download in the near future, and at least one more soon after that!
Paeter November 14, 2006 at 2:51 PM
Today I added the Free Download section to the site. For starters you can download a short song about everyone's favorite amazon!
In just a few days I'll be adding the first installment of what I'm calling "Evolution Of A Song". The first edition will feature "The Reason" and the follow-up will feature "Golgatha's Tale". Then, in just a couple weeks, maybe less, I'll add my electronic version of "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" just in time to get you ready for the Christmas season! Lastly, sometime in January we hope, you'll be able to download a discussion guide for "Spirit Blade" that you and your friends can use to wax philosophical, explore some mysterious truth in this thing we call "The Bible", and make "Spirit Blade" a truly interactive and thought provoking experience!
We're hard at work for YOU!!
See ya!Paeter November 15, 2006 at 1:53 PM
Finished "O Come" today! Keep an eye out for it sometime right after Thanksgiving.
And before then, come by and download the first installment for "Evolution Of A Song" this weekend or early next week!Paeter November 19, 2006 at 10:54 AM
Talked to Mike Tully, the actor who plays Raan, a couple days ago. It's been awhile since we've had the chance to connect but it was great to catch up. He's agreed to do an interview by phone (he lives in Nebraska) regarding his character and his reflections about the project. Not sure when our schedules will line up, but hopefully we'll be able to do the interview in the next month or so. Keep an eye out for it in the "Free Downloads" section!
Paeter November 26, 2006 at 1:57 PM
I'm making GREAT progress on the script for Spirit Blade's next chapter! The title will involve "Spirit Blade" plus a subtitle of some kind. Merick, Ebony, David, Vincent and Raan all return in this story that will take them to a mysterious part of the world where spell-crafting, sword-play and horseback riding are the everyday norm! Will this strange land hold strong allies or terrifying new enemies? And who among our characters will suffer a violent end to their life?
Keep watching here! The scripting will be done in just a few months and then recording will begin!
I'm hoping to have a teaser trailer available mid-spring.
See ya!Paeter November 26, 2006 at 1:59 PM
Oops! Merikk, not Merick.
I changed the spelling late in the game and I still get the old one stuck in my head.Paeter December 3, 2006 at 11:48 AM
You can pray for both me and Holly over the next two or three weeks as we decide how best to use our available funding to promote "Spirit Blade" more widely than we have been up to this point.
Thanks everyone! Hope your Christmas season is getting off to a great start!Paeter December 5, 2006 at 2:30 PM
The discussion guide for "Spirit Blade" is coming along well. I'm finishing up finding the scripture references right now. A daunting task, since my goal is to make the experience of discussing the philosophy of "Spirit Blade" one that pulls people into the pages of the Bible.
Once that's done, in the next day or so, I'll go back and organize each discussion segment and balance them out as best I can in terms of the time it takes to go through each one.
Then I'll try to meet with a couple pastor buddies to get their feedback on its viability for small group discussion. The final step will be to add my thoughts about the making of "Spirit Blade" to each segment, rounding out the experience for each group meeting with some fun "behind-the-scenes" type stuff.
This is some of the hardest work I've done for the project, but at the same time, very rewarding. Hopefully you will all enjoy the end result when you get together with your friends and go deeper into our fun little world!Paeter December 6, 2006 at 1:21 PM
Work is progressing enough on the discussion guide for "Spirit Blade" that I will be able to take some time tomorrow to get back to scripting. Both for the next chapter in "Spirit Blade" and some initial scripting for "Similitude Of A Dream", the new project I'm developing that's based on John Bunyan's, "The Pilgrim's Progress."
It's going to have more of an "Outer Limits/Twilight Zone" quality to it, very different from "Spirit Blade" in many respects.
I'm already enjoying development on the core concepts and presentation style. More on that as I have it for you!Paeter December 7, 2006 at 1:39 PM
Added a behind the scenes look at "Golgatha's Tale" to the download section today! Check it out!
Paeter December 13, 2006 at 1:52 AM
I'm on a creative surge with "Similitude" and have been doing a lot of scripting on that one. I'm still not sure which one (Similitude or SB2) will be finished first, although I'm still aiming to have one of them out in time for Christmas '07.
Holly and I will be out of town visitng some friends this weekend, but I'll be back to post here again on Sunday.
Have a great weekend!Paeter December 19, 2006 at 4:20 PM
I'm almost finished with mixing work on a new song. It's not for either of my upcoming projects. In fact, it's a big secret!
But I'll be making it available here on the weblog sometime in the future, and in just over a week I'll be able to tell you guys what it is. For now, though, I have to keep it under wraps.
See ya!Paeter December 26, 2006 at 2:38 PM
Sorry I haven't posted lately. I've been sick! Blekh! I'm feeling much better tonight, though, and will resume work on the "Spirit Blade" discussion guide tomorrow. I'm still aiming to be finished with my part by January 1st, after which I will hand it over to my graphic designer to give it that cool "Spirit Blade" look and feel.
I'm hoping before the end of January that we'll have a PDF of the entire guide (which will include tons of exclusive "behind the scenes" commentary) available for you to download right here at the "Spirit Blade Weblog", so keep an eye out for it!Paeter December 27, 2006 at 1:29 PM
A new factor in the development of the discussion guide for "Spirit Blade" may delay it's completion until the end of summer '07 instead of early this spring. More on that as it becomes clear.
A side effect of this, however, would mean completion of either "Similitude" or "SB2" about a month earlier! So you can pray however you'd like on this one!Paeter December 31, 2006 at 3:34 PM
Here at "Spirit Blade Productions" we're looking forward to a very exciting 2007 with some great new stories to tell and products for you to enjoy!
We're giving nothing but our very best this year so come along for the wild ride!Paeter January 3, 2007 at 1:53 PM
I've been spending alot of time the last couple days researching how to bring more traffic to spiritblade.net, and will be meeting soon with Ryan to develop a strategy. I'm excited about this next phase because I see a great deal of potential!
We'll keep you posted as things develop!Paeter January 5, 2007 at 3:28 PM
I'm looking into an opportunity to make Spirit Blade available to purchase through download.
The juries out for now, but hopefully within a few days I'll have the info I need and we can head into a new phase of availability very soon!Paeter January 7, 2007 at 1:08 PM
I've finished editing my interview with Michael Tully/Raan, and will post it in the download section soon!
Paeter January 8, 2007 at 10:02 AM
For those of you wondering about the "Mystery Song" I was working on a few weeks ago, it was a song I wrote for my mom and gave to her on Christmas. I'll plan to put it in the download section when we get close to Mother's Day.
Paeter January 8, 2007 at 10:03 AM
Check out the download section for the first part of my phone interview with Mike Tully, the voice of Raan!!
Paeter January 10, 2007 at 1:17 PM
Had a great meeting tonight with Ryan and it looks like we'll have a very exciting new website up in a few months! Can't wait for you all to see it!
Paeter January 15, 2007 at 10:25 AM
Some major breakthroughs in outlining/scripting for SB2! I've had the title figured out for a few weeks now as well, although I'll probably wait to unveil that when the new website launches.
Some great new good guys and bad guys will be introduced, and Merikk, Raan, Vincent, David and Ebony are all getting put through the ringer in the next chapter of our saga. Several of these characters will even be unrecognizable by the time our story is done. So hold on tight! NO one is safe!Paeter January 17, 2007 at 1:05 PM
Just posted the second half of my talk with Mike Tully! Check it out!
Paeter January 18, 2007 at 12:51 PM
I did a lot of scripting for SB2 today! I had an "outlining breakthrough" a couple days ago that's really helped me to shape the rest of the story. So as of now it looks like SB2 will be released before "Similitude", but who knows what the future holds, right?
Paeter January 22, 2007 at 7:00 AM
I read out loud and timed all that I have so far for SB2 and it clocks in at 45 minutes without pauses for sound effect sequences or scene transitions, and without any songs added in yet.
The project as a whole will run about 90 minutes.
So as of now I'm doing great on time and may even be a little ahead of schedule. The thought has occured to me, if it ends up working out, to keep ploughing through and write the third part of the Spirit Blade saga and have all the actors record their lines for both projects at once. This MIGHT delay the the first one from coming out by a couple months, but the follow-up would come alot sooner and it would cost us less. Right now that's just one remote possibility, so I wouldn't put much stock in it. We'll just have to wait and see if I'm on a roll enough to take on the next project right away.Paeter January 23, 2007 at 8:22 AM
Got a bunch more scripting done today. Today it feels more like I'll take a break after finishing SB2 before doing the third installment.
I'm making GREAT progress on the SB2 script, though!
My first draft will probably be finished in a matter of weeks. After that I'll figure out where exactly I want songs to fall in the project and start working on those. The next step will probably be to schedule a reading session with some friends and a few of the cast members to hear it all out loud and get some feedback.
Then, after making any adjustments I feel are needed I'll assemble a cast and start recording!
So we're still either right on schedule or a little ahead! Woohoo!Paeter January 25, 2007 at 10:43 AM
Some of you have been praying, I think. This has been the best week of scripting I've ever had! I don't remember being this productive in one week even with the original project.
If this keeps up, it will probably be less than two weeks before I have the first draft completed!
So keep praying!Paeter January 27, 2007 at 1:41 PM
Just found out that all our sound effects are podcast and broadcast legal. There was some question, particularily about podcasting, since the format is relatively new. But this will open up some great possibilities down the road and in the meantime will mean lots of fun goodnes for the Spirit Blade Productions Podcast, which we hope to launch with the new website!
Stay tuned!Paeter January 30, 2007 at 2:05 PM
Today I finished creating the transitions and sound cue templates that I'll be using for the Spirit Blade Productions Podcast. It will probably be awhile yet before the first one is released, but I think you'll really enjoy the experience. We're hoping to make it as fun, informative and interactive as possible! More info on HOW in the future...
Scripting continues to go well and I'm ahead of schedule and glad to be there!Paeter February 1, 2007 at 1:10 PM
Today I downloaded a vocoder and soon I hope to get an auto-tuner. These are both types of vocal manipulation software that should make my songs in the future even more fun!
Paeter February 3, 2007 at 2:12 PM
Just upgraded my dound editing software and have an auto-tune feature now. Should be fun!
Today I ended up doing some work. Quite a bit actually. I might take a day off this week. I wrote the first song for SB2 and have started putting together the sounds and beats for the track. I'll probably have it done after a few weeks and might even put here on the weblog, so stay tuned!
Scripting continues to go well! God is really blessing my work and productivity!Paeter February 8, 2007 at 1:20 PM
For a limited time in the Free Downloads section you can download the first song written for the Spirit Blade Sequel!!
Don't miss this chance to get a preview of the dark future that waits for our heroes!Paeter February 18, 2007 at 7:46 AM
Sorry I've been a little lax on posting. We've got some cool things happening.
The first draft of the script is finished and I've scheduled a date to read through it with a few friends and cast members. It won't be until april, but in the meantime I'll be starting sound design for each scene, which will be alot of fun, as well as writing the rest of the songs, although I may wait on that until our cast is finalized.
Spirit Blade Productions is also looking into some potentially fun, creative and exciting online marketing opportunities. More on that as we confirm it.
See ya!Paeter February 21, 2007 at 10:18 AM
Distribution is slowly on the rise for "Spirit Blade." Right now our distributors include "Antiphonic Music", "A Different Drum", "Spoken Network", and after some paperwork "CD Baby". Of course the best way to make sure that all your money is 100% supporting Spirit Blade Productions is to buy your copy at www.spiritblade.net. Still, it's exciting to see progress moving forward in the overall realm of distribution!
Paeter February 26, 2007 at 12:14 PM
Tonight I was on "The Snark Infested Waters" podcast talking about "Spirit Blade". I also unveiled the title of the next chapter in the "Spirit Blade" Saga! As soon as I have a link to the podcast I'll post it!
Paeter February 28, 2007 at 3:57 AM
Getting myself organized today. Mapping out my work goals over the next couple months.
There are songs to write, scenes to begin sound design for and even some recording to do!
You can help me by praying that I'll be wise in the use of my time and that God will bless my efforts!
Thanks!Paeter March 1, 2007 at 7:23 AM
Making contacts in a few different circles that will probably lead to more publicity for Spirit Blade Productions! Stay tuned in the next week or so for some more podcast interview announcements!
Paeter March 3, 2007 at 1:23 PM
"Spirit Blade" made PRODUCT OF THE WEEK at the Antiphonic Online Music Store!
This means that for a week, as folks arrive at the main page of Antiphonic Music, they will see "Spirit Blade's" CD cover image before they go anywhere else!
Great publicity!Paeter March 19, 2007 at 8:23 AM
Last week was a very productive week in terms of the marketing end of Spirit Blade Productions.
This week I'm heading into what I hope to be a "creative period". I've got to get rolling on more of the music for the next project and also make more progress on sound design.
You can be praying that the ideas that come to me will be lined up with God's plan for our next project and inspired by Him.
Thanks!Paeter March 27, 2007 at 2:13 PM
I'm nearly finished writing another song for the next project. Melody, lyrics and most of the chords are done, then I'll begin creating the track.
It's a duet between Merikk and Vincent that will come near the climax of the story.Paeter March 30, 2007 at 6:15 PM
The splash page for Spirit Blade Productions was down for a bit as we changed domain hosting.
Things are back up and running now, and the launch of the full website for Spirit Blade Productions is still on track for May 15th!Paeter April 2, 2007 at 6:05 PM
Made some great progress today on the track design for another song.
I'm also hoping to update the free downloads section this week!Paeter April 3, 2007 at 5:07 PM
Although I need to keep specifics under wraps, a key role for a new character in the upcoming sequel to Spirit Blade has just been cast with an actor that I'm very excited about.
Meanwhile, I'm prepping to announce auditions for remaining roles online in a few different voice acting communites.
If you're interested in auditioning, join our mailing list to stay up to date on all casting calls. Send an e-mail to info@spiritblade.net with the subject "Mailing List".
The pot is slowly coming to boil and in just a few weeks, we'll REALLY start cookin'!Paeter April 20, 2007 at 4:00 PM
Had a cool creative breakthrough that is suddenly giving shape to the songs for the new project. If I move forward with the concept I have now, the songs will be integrated with the story in an additional layer that didn't exist in the first story. Hopefully you all dig it!
FYI, next week will be a terribly busy week for me and I likely will neglect posting updates here. I'll be doing some extended subbing again which is great for paying a few bills and financing some more of Spirit Blade Productions, but it slows down my actual work on the project for a little bit. Fear not, however! With no school in the summer, I'll have two or three MONTHS of solid work and progress where you'll likely hear about new things happening all the time!
Also, by then our new website will be up and new downloadable content will continue to increase in variety! So this summer looks to be filled with fun from where I'm standing!
I can't wait!Paeter April 22, 2007 at 7:59 AM
Today I held an audition and cast a very important female role in the next Spirit Blade project.
I'm extremely pleased with how the audition went and will soon be opening up another female role and a few male roles as well, for audition. If you want to be in the loop for that upcoming announcement, be sure to subscribe to our mailing list by e-mailing "info@spiritblade.net" with the title "Mailing List".
Auditions will open up in a week or two and those on the mailing list will be the first to get details on how to audition.
So if you're interested, be sure to let us know!Paeter May 2, 2007 at 11:19 AM
Had another great podcast interview to help promote Spirit Blade Productions. I'll have a link for you sometime next week!