Friday, June 1, 2007 Recording Begins!
Paeter spent this week organizing and finishing up various odds and ends in preparation for a big recording week that will start this coming Monday.
The role of "David" has been re-cast from the original "Spirit Blade" (due to inevitable puberty and voice change of the original actor) and our new David will have his first rehearsal/recording session on Monday, followed by his second on Thursday.
Tuesday morning, Michael Tully, the voice of Raan Galvaanik, will be flying in from Lincoln Nebraska to spend an intense 48 hours recording songs, dialogue and other fun bits for "Dark Ritual".
We're heading into a very exciting time again as we begin recording with an incredible cast. We would really value prayer during this time and would love it if you chose to mark your calendar to pray for these first recording sessions. We have some exciting ideas, but want to be sure we leave the final agenda up to God.
We'll look forward to updating you on all of the week's recording next Friday!