Tuesday, July 8, 2008 Out Of Town
Hey Everybody!
Just FYI, I'll be out of town and our office will be closed tomorrow (the 9th) through next Monday (the 14th). Download purchases are automated and will still work instantly. CD purchases will be processed first thing Tuesday morning.
My wife and I are going to the Frandsen family reunion up in Yellowstone Park, Montana, where I come from. (Well, I don't come specifically from Yellowstone National Park. Although that would be cool if I was born in the wild!)
It's pretty rare for me to see so many of my extended family members, so we're really looking forward to it!
On the "Dark Ritual" front, I'll be working on the "post-credits" epilogue scene today. When that's done I'll start to finalize scoring, finish the two remaining songs and then dive into mastering. OH! And here's a bit of news that might interest you. "Dark Ritual" will actually run LONGER than "Spirit Blade"! So much longer that instead of cutting it down to fit on two discs, we're going to release it as a THREE CD set! It will probably clock in at just under three hours! And with three discs of space, I'll be able to fit a blooper reel onto the CD set again! Woohoo!
Okay, that's all for now. See you next week!
- Paeter Frandsen