Wednesday, April 30, 2008 Wednesday
Well, it's Wednesday. That means the garbage gets picked up, new comics come out and I have to find something to say in this post. The first two happen automatically. It's number three I've got nothing for today.
I've been so driven to mix Dark Ritual that I haven't spent much time being philosophical. Maybe that's a bad thing. My wife would probably say it's okay. (She's not into philosophy much.) My son would probably just say, "Uuurrp!" and then make a mess.
Oooh! Maybe I should do a review of ! It's this great website I've been using for awhile, mainly for it's handy search engine, but I haven't mentioned it here yet.
Well what do you know? This makes my fourth paragraph. Guess I've written enough to constitute a "post" for now, and that website review will have to wait for another day.
Back to mixing!
-Paeter Frandsen