Wednesday, March 5, 2008 Emerging From The Pit
This morning I can feel myself slowly emerging from "The Pit Of Creeping Crud". Last Saturday, right after finishing the podcast, I noticed the first symptoms of a cold coming on.
Things pretty much snowballed from there and I got some drugs yesterday. (A "Z-pack", I think. Which my pharmacist wife said is really cool.) I don't get sick very often, but when I do it can sometimes be pretty rough. The most frustrating part has been being at home all day but with NO energy to work on "Dark Ritual"!
I'm feeling a little better today, and so hope to get a few things accomplished. "In Search Of Truth" has been bumped until next week, but we'll still have something valuable and thought-provoking for you on the podcast this weekend, so don't miss out!
Hope you all are having a good week and for those of you in school, Spring Break is just around the corner! Push through those mid-terms, you can make it!
-Paeter Frandsen