Friday, May 15, 2009 Spit Prep
In addition to a wonderful recording session earlier this week, a second highlight has to include the preparation I made for a "drowning sequence" that will appear in "Pilgrim's Progress".
If you've listened to Spirit Blade and Dark Ritual, you may have noticed that I like putting water in actors' mouths while they deliver their lines. Well now I'm going a step further and looking for ways to have actors cough and spit up water like never before, without damaging our microphone. After some experimentation yesterday, I discovered that one of our bedsheets actually does a very good job of letting sound through, while halting any water that may be flying through the air.
Next week, when Krystopfer James VanSlyke returns to finish recording with the "Swamp Of Dreadgloom" scene, I think we'll be finding all new ways to have fun with water.
-Paeter Frandsen