Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Scene 8 of 11, and "Pilgrim" Bonus!
I FINALLY finished work on one of the most complicted scenes for "Pilgrim" yesterday and have begun work on scene 8. With only 11 scenes total, I can now see the end of this project in front of me like never before!
I also came up with an idea for bonus content on this project that I think listeners will dig. I've decided that each installment of "Pilgrim's Progress" will also come with an audiobook version of the original material from Bunyan's original classic work. So after listening to the "Spirit Blade Productions" version, you'll be able to listen to my reading of the original material and experience the story as Bunyan wrote it!
For those concerned about the effect this will have on release schedule, have no fear. The entire process should only add about two weeks to the production schedule. (And it will add about 40 minutes of content!)
At this point, I'm hoping for a release date somewhere in early October.
That's all for now!
-Paeter Frandsen