Spirit Blade Productions

Entertainment and Resources for Christian Geeks!

SPIRIT BLADE PRODUCTIONS exists to equip, encourage and inspire Christian Geeks to live in the freedom and purpose Christ offers.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 Polishing Pilgrim

The read-through for "Pilgrim's Progress" over the weekend went very well and I got some wonderful feedback from those involved. As a result, I'm now making another pass through the script. It's not an exhaustive re-write, but I'm "cleaning up" quite a bit.


My problem, as I've approached this project, has been deciding what kind of story it is. I knew I didn't want to simply reproduce the allegory in different wording. But I didn't want to add so much material that the original work is hidden. I wanted the story to be enjoyable on its own as a fantasy quest, but in pursuit of that end, I weighed down the front of the script with too much world-building and characterization.


My readers felt that the beginning was a little confusing and that in general I could shorten some of the longer lines of dialogue, saying the same thing with fewer words. I was also given a comment on my use of the word "magic" in the script, and was advised to use a different word. Not to avoid offending people, but to avoid the nebulous baggage that comes with a vague word like "magic". The point made was that if I create the name (for magic), I can define the term and my audience can more easily understand the concept, or at least not bring ideas to it that are not meant to be there.


I resisted this idea at first, but have come around to it (partially because I found a cool word for "magic") and am making adjustments to the script. This simple change has also brought a new tone to the story that I really like! (Amazing what changing one little word can do!)


I'm already finding that the script is more focused. It maintains needed character layers to avoid being a straight-up allegory, but also keeps the story moving forward. I'm hoping to have the polished version done by the end of this week, or early next. As soon as it is complete, I will select lines to use in auditions and post a casting call here and elsewhere online.


Stay tuned!


-Paeter Frandsen

This web site contains audio content simulating intense violence that may not be suitable for children.

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