Wednesday, November 12, 2008 Survival Mode
Hey Folks,
Here's a picture of me and Craig Herrman Jr. (the voice of David in "Dark Ritual") at the CD release party. Thanks for being a part of this project, Craig! You did a great job!
In other news, I'm effectively in "survival mode" on my butt today, aside from a few quick errands. Over the weekend I got hit with a nasty cold bug that doesn't want me to sleep at night. So I'm exhausted and speaking almost a minor third lower than usual. It's frustrating because this is the time that I want to do all I can to get the word out about "Dark Ritual", and it's about all I can do to just write this post.
I've gotten a few e-mails with suggestions on how to get fans involved in spreading the word about "Dark Ritual" and it's been great to hear from you. Thanks so much to those of you that have taken the time to send me your ideas. I know there are still a bunch of you with great ideas, and as I said before, I need them ALL! So please send me your thoughts. They are greatly valued.
Okay, that's about it for me. I've still got to squeeze out a post for "Paeter's Brain", so I better get to it before I'm completely spent.
See ya!
-Paeter Frandsen