Wednesday, November 26, 2008 Free "Spirit Blade" With "Dark Ritual"!
Hello Everyone!
Since the release of "Spirit Blade: Dark Ritual" earlier this month, I've continued to get exciting feedback from those who have listened to it. We broke a lot of ground with "Spirit Blade", but the common opinion among listeners is that "Dark Ritual" is a leap forward in every aspect of production! If you haven't checked it out yet, you can hear the trailer and download the first two chapters (40 minutes) for FREE at !
With the holiday season upon us, I'm thrilled to announce that now is the easiest time to jump into the world of "Spirit Blade"!
From now through December 31st, for every "Spirit Blade: Dark Ritual" 3-Disc set you purchase, you'll receive a copy of the original "Spirit Blade" 2-Disc set for FREE! That's just $12.99 for 5 and 1/2 hours of pulse-pounding excitement unleashed on your ears and imagination! And remember, WE pay the tax, and shipping is FREE! That's even less than you'd pay for the combined digital downloads of both products!
Already have "Spirit Blade"? Purchase "Dark Ritual" and you can give your FREE copy of "Spirit Blade" away as a Christmas gift!
Whether it's for you or the sci-fi/fantasy fan in your life, there's never been a better time to join the experience!
Check out this offer, in addition to our growing list of FREE downloads at !
Have a fun and purpose-filled Christmas, and don't forget... to Seek The Truth!
Take care,
Paeter Frandsen