Friday, August 26, 2011 First Draft Over Half Done!
It's been a great week for writing and I am currently more than halfway through writing the first draft of Spirit Blade 3!
This is exciting because my side-gig substitute teaching could unpredictably kick into high gear at any time.
Although I've timed one or two scenes, I haven't done a read through yet, and don't plan to until the first draft is complete. But I told my wife today that she should prepare to set an evening aside in 2-4 weeks so I can read the entire script to her. (I'm DYING to share this story with SOMEBODY!)
Unlike previous entries in the series, I am waiting until the script is finished before I even conceptualize any of the songs. I have some guesses about how this different approach will effect the final product and I think it will be all good!
I'll keep you up to date and hope to report a finished first draft very soon!
-Paeter Frandsen