Wednesday, January 16, 2013 SBP 2013 Resolutions
Well, it's the start of a new year, which means a new set of hopes and dreams are in front of me that I'd love to see come about. But as I look back at previous January posts, I notice how bad I am at predicting what will actually happen for Spirit Blade Productions in a given year, or even a given month.
Last year at this time I hosted the reading session for Spirit Blade 3, with plans to begin casting in February or March. In actuality, I decided to focus on recording the returning actors first, saving new casting for later (which is now looking like February or March of THIS year.)
The "Golden Knight" audio book was released as planned, but the Spirit Blade Card Game was set back by significant redevelopment. (Far from abandoned, however! I'm considering a release date that will build toward, or coincide with, the release of Spirit Blade 3!)
As I'm reminded again, tomorrow is promised to no one, and our plans can only be made with the understanding that God's agenda may be very different from our own. However, taking that into account, here are some goals for 2013:
1. Launch the unofficial (alpha, if you will) version of in February.
2. Finish recording all Spirit Blade 3 principle actors by May. (Those remaining include Randy Hesson, Holly Frandsen and Myself)
3. Hold auditions in February-April and begin recording secondary roles before May.
4. Complete half or more of the mixing work on Spirit Blade 3 before December.
5. Decide on the subtitle so I can stop calling it Spirit Blade "3"!
6. Launch the new version of the Spirit Blade Productions Website before May.
7. Launch the Christian Geek Central Network (more on this later).
I'm aiming conservatively this year, so it's hard to imagine that most of these things won't happen. But God has taken me through so many unpredictable turns over the years that I'm trying more and more to keep a loose grip on the steering wheel.
Whatever may come, I'm committed to Spirit Blade Productions' vision of encouraging, equipping and inspiring Christian geeks like you and me to live more and more for Christ!
I hope you'll continue to join me for the ride and maybe even become a part of how the engine works!
-Paeter Frandsen