Wednesday, March 27, 2013 Upcoming Changes To Blog And Podcast
As we're getting closer to launching the alpha version of Christian Geek Central I wanted to let you know about a few changes I anticipate will be coming as well.
About a year or so ago I stopped publishing the "Paeter's Brain" blog, importing all of my reviews from that blog here and posting less often on this blog about Spirit Blade Productions and updates to various projects I've been tackling. That change was motivated by a desire to build community centered around common geek interests. Little did I realize it was the germ of Christian Geek Central gestating inside me. And now I believe that Christian Geek Central will be the better place to build that community, which is why I have imported all of my previous reviews to Christian Geek Central and will begin posting my reviews there instead of here once the site launches.
"The Spirit Blade Underground" has, to this point, been a community of Christian geeks of all kinds who may or may not care one bit about The Spirit Blade Underground Podcast or the various audio dramas and entertainment produced by Spirit Blade Productions. And that's totally cool by me. But to make that community even more inclusive, we're re-branding it as "Christian Geek Central", and will soon be using "The Spirit Blade Underground" exclusively to refer to this blog and our podcast.
The Spirit Blade Underground Podcast will continue to be published on this page and its feed and the content will remain geared toward Christian Geeks of all kinds. Aside from being referred to as "The Official Podcast Of Christian Geek Central" in the introduction each week, very little will change about the show.
One element that may change a little is the types of reviews I write for the show. My data right now is limited, but so far the feedback I've been getting from the recent contest question indicates that retro/home video reviews may be of more interest to podcast listeners than new release movies. I will also be trying to include more reviews of other entertainment types. These two factors combined may noticeably reduce the number of new release movie reviews featured on the show. If you don't like the sound of that, please let me know so I can factor in your feedback. Or, if you ever know of a movie coming to theaters that you'd particularly be curious to hear/read my review for, please let me know and I can try to make it a priority. This show is for you guys and I want it to only increasingly reflect that.
So to sum up, once Christian Geek Central launches, it will be the place to go to be a part of our existing (and growing!) community and to read reviews by myself and a growing number of contributors. (The podcast will also be included in that feed if you'd like to receive it that way.)
This blog will continue to be updated, though possibly only one or two times a week. It will feature our weekly podcast, the In Search Of Truth Bible study, and updates on the various projects that Spirit Blade Productions is involved in as a company. This will include announcements regarding our audio dramas, podcast and Christian Geek Central.
For now you can still plan on getting our reviews here, and I'll be sure to make an announcement when the site and feed for Christian Geek Central are ready for your use. In the meantime, I welcome your feedback as I aim to make what we're doing more useful and enjoyable.
-Paeter Frandsen