Spirit Blade Productions

Entertainment and Resources for Christian Geeks!

SPIRIT BLADE PRODUCTIONS exists to equip, encourage and inspire Christian Geeks to live in the freedom and purpose Christ offers.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 Free Is Awesome!

I've gotta get two guys falling in the water and struggling to stay afloat. I've only got a couple water sound effects that I used in "Spirit Blade", and they were of water being dumped on the floor. I didn't feel like spending money if I could avoid it, but I needed high quality sound effects to fit my needs for this scene!


Good thing someone told me about the "Free Sound Project"!


It's a website where people can upload their original sound effects for anyone to use (commercially or otherwise) for free, provided they give credit to the creator of the effect. The effects found there are numerous and in various degrees of sound quality, but sorting through to find the good ones has already helped keep my costs down a bit, which ultimately gets the project out to you more quickly!


Can I get a "woohoo"?



Friday, July 10, 2009 Award Nomination and New "Dark Ritual" Commentary!

This week I released part 3 of the "Spirit Blade: Dark Ritual" Interactive Commentary and you guys had some great questions! Be sure to get the inside dirt about "Silence", the torture scenes, and AIA at:




This week I was also very honored to receive a "Just Plain Folks" Music Awards nomination for "Dark Ritual"! JPF is a music organization and annual host of the world's largest independent music awards, so this is a great honor and I'm thrilled to have this project counted among the work of so many great musicians and creators.


My wife and I hope to attend the award show in Nashville near the end of August and will be sure to keep you posted!


-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, July 1, 2009 Off To Vacation!

Boy, it is really hard for me to "vacate". Especially when my vision for the future keeps expanding and I have so many plates to spin. My deadlines are all self-imposed, but that doesn't make them any less motivating. I hate to run off for a long weekend when my target release date for "Pilgrim's Progress" (September 1st) looms in front of me.


I'm also working on the page of our main site that will host the audio projects produced by The Spirit Blade Underground Alliance! (spiritblade.net/allianceinfo) Not to mention the Spirit Blade enhanced audiobook I'm more than halfway through recording and the upcoming 100th episode of the Spirit Blade Underground Podcast that I'm making preparations for. (spiritblade.net/podcast)


This is almost the worst time to be taking a vacation, but also probably the best. I'm no good for anything if I burn out. And I certainly need my play time. That's where I get all my ideas!


All that to say that we'll be leaving Friday morning and returning sometime on Monday. There will be no posts here Friday or Monday and I'm also taking this week off from the podcast.


Have a great 4th of July weekend and I'll catcha later!


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, June 26, 2009 Searching For A Song

I spent virtually my entire workday today ( I STILL haven't eaten lunch!) trying to find the right music for the scene I'm currently mixing. I've exhausted pretty much all of my options at this point and have come to the conclusion that it may not be scoring the scene needs, but something else. After all, if I can't nail down exactly what I want in terms of music, I may not know the scene and its purpose as well as I should at this point.


So for now I plan to move on to mixing the next scene and take another look at this one again toward the end of the project so that I can see it in a broader context.


Still, the day wasn't a waste. I've certainly become more familiar with the scoring options available to me!


-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 My Favorite Leather Skirt

My wife has an old leather skirt that she nearly threw away about three years ago. I'm so glad I saved it from the "Goodwill" pile, as it has turned into one of her best investments into Spirit Blade Productions!


That leather skirt has been a trenchcoat, an element in a suit of chainmail and as of yesterday, part of a waterskin! I've stredtched it, whipped it and even worn it! (Though not in the way you might think.) 


Say what you will, but oh how I love my little black leather skirt! 


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, June 19, 2009 Catching Up

After falling behind because of my "image hunt" last week, I think I'm finally catching up with mixing. I'm still looking for an image for the cover of "Pilgrim's Progress", but I've got a few options now.


As I finish up the week, I'm working on adding music to the 3rd scene. I couldn't find quite the right cue in my music library or in the stores I like to buy from, so I created some choral and orchestral elements using myself and my wife as vocalists to create a creepy, atonal choral effect, accompanied by some weird orchestral stuff from a sample pack I like. Then I added these elements to an existing track to build the tension to an "explosive" climax.


After this scene I've got a couple of dialogue-driven scenes, which will take less time and hopefully make me feel better about my progress.


That's all for now!


-Paeter Frandsen

Tuesday, June 16, 2009 Explosions Are Fun!

I spent 30-40 minutes creating an explosion today. I've got 20 or so in my library, but I like to try and create new sounds by layering exisiting sounds.


This particular explosion involves a combination of about 8 different explosions. The initial impact of 3 or 4, the after shock of another 2 and two more that I only use the "debris" sounds from. 


I couldn't quite find the sounds of brick and stone settling in any of the explosion files, so I used a combination of 8-10 individual "falling rocks" and some processed cauliflower being crunched up. Yeah, I know, it sounds weird to describe it, but it turned out really sweet! I can't wait for you all to hear it!



Friday, June 12, 2009 Looking For An Image

After talking to my graphic designer this week I realized I need to bump up "cover design" on my list of priorities. Just when I was hoping to catch up on some mixing, too.


I'm looking for an image for "Pilgrim's Progress" that immediately conveys fantasy and a journey. You'd think a lone figure on a medieval/fantasy road would be a pretty basic type of image, right?


Well, based on my success so far, I may need to re-imagine my concept of the cover. If anyone has a thought, I'd love to hear your suggestions!



Friday, June 5, 2009 My Favorite Part Of The Process

I think I've discovered my favorite part of this process. I used to say that I like it all equally. Acting, composing, writing, mixing...


But as I've started the mixing process again, I think I can say that this is my favorite part. Or at least, it's the part that most often makes me lose track of time!


It starts with the monotony of laying down the dialogue, deciding which takes I want to use by listening to each one over and over and over...


But once the dialogue is in place and the pacing of the scene comes together, I get to add some ambience. Then an FX cue. Then another. Then some music. And over the course of a few hours I watch a scene transform and a world come to life! It's not just the mixing itself, it's the culmination of all the artistic work that has been done by myself and others as I aim for the destination!


As of today, I'm nearly finished with the first scene of "Pilgrim's Progress", I've designed a few key sound effects cues that will be used throughout the project, and I'm feeling right on schedule. Woohoo!


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, May 29, 2009 "Pilgrim" Mixing Begins!

At long last, the first day of mixing has arrived! After recording my lines for the last two days, I'm ready to begin mixing on the first scene of "Pilgrim's Progress: Similitude Of A Dream"! The familiar process of sifting through takes and choosing the best ones has begun again and I couldn't be much happier to be at this stage of a project again.


To meet my goal of a September 1st release, I'll need to complete about 60 minutes of mixing and mastering over a period of three months, in addition to having a logo and some artwork put together for its presentation on the site. I still feel that this goal is very doable and I'll be sure to keep you posted!


As of this week, I am also about halfway finished recording the Spirit Blade Enhanced Audiobook, after which I will begin mixing it together. You can probably look forward to that project being available beginning early this fall. And as mentioned before, it will be free downloadable content.


That's it for now!


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, May 22, 2009 Drowning In The Microphone

This morning I had a great time drowning an actor in my office. Krystofer James VanSlyke finished recording today as we covered my office in towels and protected the microphone with a bedsheet pulled taught between my hands and one foot.


Sound interesting? Wait until you SEE it. I've made a point of making video recordings of sessions with some of the actors on this project and will eventually edit together a video of higlights to put on www.spiritblade.net.


I've also made some great progress on remixing "All And Everything" this week. The song is getting a major makeover, though it retains the feel of the original. The last piece of the puzzle was a sweet electronic bass line I found on my keyboard for the second half of each verse.


I only have one actor left to come and record, though I will probably try to record all of my lines next week so that I can get started mixing a little early!


That's all for now!


-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 Spirit Blade Music Remix

As some of you may know, in addition to developing our next audio drama, I'm also working on a music project that will include remixes of the songs from "Spirit Blade". Yesterday I spent some time listening to all of them (as painful as that was for me) and made some quick notes on how I want to remix each one. Although these ideas are likely to change quite a bit over the next several months of mixing, here are the notes I've jotted down so far for a few of them. Please note that some terminology means one thing to me that it may not mean to others. A few other notes may not make sense at all. Happy decoding!



Destiny Remix Notes


This is a "trailer song". Distort/rough-up main synth loop, possibly adding octaves. Add much more percussion from the start. hard rock feel. This song should EXPLODE at the start, be moderate for the verses, build in pre-chorus and rage during chorus (with all silence just after "listen to his voice" and during "go on and take it cuz its") only to drop off again after chorus and rebuild.


Major beats of measures punctuated with monosyllabic choral stuff and orchestral pounces.





Soldiers Remix Notes


This is an industrial/percussion song. Remove techno pulse-beat and insert more industrial sounds, like the crazy beat used in Necromancy. Preset automated melodic material should be either re-recorded from keyboard recording (if one exists) in stereo, reperformed and recorded in stereo, or played with extensivey using pan envelopes to make a more stereo effect. This just sounds small, stifled and boring.




Deadly Game



In General, this may not need much.


First, polish the orchestral/choral elements by bringing them up in the mix and adding reverb or other effects where needed. Then add additional orchestral choral materia las needed to fill this out and make it work as a orch/choral/organ/harpsichord peice.


Record some REAL guitar for this song. Then find a unifying electronic sound (this may actually be the guitar, depending on how much your guitarist wants to play.) to add over the top to unify this with the rest of Spirit Blade.


There may be a place for electronic/distorted rhythmic elements as well.


Default reverb is Taj Mahal 3



Fly Remix Notes


Remove Techno pulse beat. This song needs a beat overhaul. Something harder edged, rock-oriented?


Also an active bass part.


Use an "ascending effect", sound effect or musical effect.


Golgotha's Tale


This song you can actually keep!


Give it the same treatment you gave "silence". Soothing, Electronic and Epic. Keep the piano, but it can't be the core instrumental. Add some layers, at least one of which is a "dirty" sound electronic amidst the expansive beauty, reflecting the ugliness of this beautiful act. Add some vocal layers, too, especially at the climax. Use other swelling sounds to build the drama of this song.


See how you feel about your vocals after all this is done to decide of you want to re-record.




-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, May 15, 2009 Spit Prep

In addition to a wonderful recording session earlier this week, a second highlight has to include the preparation I made for a "drowning sequence" that will appear in "Pilgrim's Progress".


If you've listened to Spirit Blade and Dark Ritual, you may have noticed that I like putting water in actors' mouths while they deliver their lines. Well now I'm going a step further and looking for ways to have actors cough and spit up water like never before, without damaging our microphone. After some experimentation yesterday, I discovered that one of our bedsheets actually does a very good job of letting sound through, while halting any water that may be flying through the air.


Next week, when Krystopfer James VanSlyke returns to finish recording with the "Swamp Of Dreadgloom" scene, I think we'll be finding all new ways to have fun with water.


-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 Great Recording Session!

Last night I had the pleasure of working with Kristina Rogers, an actor I met for the first time at her audition a couple months ago.


She came and recorded her lines for "Pilgrim's Progress" in which she plays an elven sage named Sophia.


I get a great sense of creative fulfillment when I work hard with an actor to discover and then fine tune the right performance, but it's a treat of a different kind when an actor like Kristina comes in, armed with the same instincts for her character that I have, or even BETTER ones!


We had a great recording session and even finished a little early! Woohoo!


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, May 8, 2009 Commentary, Recording and Audio Book

I was very happy to do some more creative work this week.


First, I recorded, mixed and released part one of the "Dark Ritual" Interactive Commentary! I'm still taking questions this month for Disc 1, Track 2 (The Enemy Strikes). If you'd like to be a part of the commentary for this section, e-mail me a question about it or leave me a recorded message by calling 206-350-1226! (Recorded questions will even be included in the commentary!)


Second, I had a second recording session with Krystofer James VanSlyke that was a ton of fun! We will be finishing up his last session next Friday morning.


Lastly, I was able to do more recording for the "Enhanced Audiobook" presentation of "Spirit Blade", the novella. I plan to release it for free at podiobooks.com later this year, but they highly recommend that you release a new part of your audiobook every week. Since I can't control my schedule enough to keep that pace consistant, I'm waiting until the entire project is finished, after which I will release a new 20-30 minute chapter every week.


It's been really cool to revisit the source material for the Spirit Blade world. There are some fun subplots and action scenes that I'd forgotten about. Those familiar with the audio dramas will find many familiar elements, but they will also be yanked away from familiarity on a regular basis as this story often follows a significantly different path from the audio dramas. Can't wait for you all to hear it!


Have a great weekend!


-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, May 6, 2009 The "Dark Ritual" Interactive Commentary Is Here!

New this month on the "Media" page of www.spiritblade.net is the first part of the "Dark Ritual" Interactive Commentary!


I've had alot of fun recording this and have enjoyed getting questions from you all as well! I only had one question to answer in this installment, but keep your ears peeled for more of your questions in future installments!






-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, May 1, 2009 A Week Of Recording

Although my days this week have been filled with all the things you HAVE to do to run a small business and few of the things you LOVE to do, I've also had three great recording sessions this week.


It's great to have three actors finished already and nearly all other actors on the recording schedule! My goal is to be mixing full-time starting the first of June and that looks to be more than possible.


I'm finally all done catching up at this point and ready to make time for a few creative endeavors. Hopefully I'll have more to say on what those are next week!


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, April 24, 2009 Pligrim's Progress Cast!

Hello Everyone,


Thank you all so much for the wonderful auditions you turned in for this project! My final decisions were EXTREMELY difficult to make and that is a testament to your great efforts.


The Cast for "Pilgrim's Progress: Similitude Of A Dream" is as follows-



KAPHAN- Krystofer James VanSlyke


OVERSEER- Beth Frolich


VANGER- Randy Hesson


AZER- John Sipple




SOPHIA- Kristina Rogers


WILLIAM- Michael E. Bryce


KYBER- Brandon Butler


SHAYRA- Megan Fletcher


I want to invite everyone who auditioned for this project to join us at "The Spirit Blade Underground Alliance" (www.spiritblade.net/allianceinfo) to be a part of the other audio dramas we're developing there. We are currently still auditioning for a futuristic supernatural crime drama called "The DSI Files: Unlucky Seven"! For audition information, join the SBU Alliance at www.spiritblade.net/alliance !


You can keep up to date on Spirit Blade Productions project development and future casting calls by subscribing to our mailing list at www.spiritblade.net ! I hope to connect with each of you again soon!


Thanks so much!


Paeter Frandsen

Thursday, April 16, 2009 Time to "Retreat"!

I'm leaving tomorrow morning to go on a weekend Men's Retreat that my church has organized. This will be the first one I've gone on, because in the past they have been geared toward the competitive, athletic, "outdoorsy" type of guy and I'm... well, I'm not that guy.


But this year, with a new emphasis on individual study and optional freetime activities, the idea of getting out of my routine to do some study and reflection sounded very valuable to me.


You can help me by praying that I'll make good use of the time all weekend and that it will result in my being more on God's page, instead of trying to get him on mine.


Thanks! Talk to you on Monday!


-Paeter Frandsen

This web site contains audio content simulating intense violence that may not be suitable for children.

©2015 Paeter Frandsen. All rights reserved.