Spirit Blade Productions

Entertainment and Resources for Christian Geeks!

SPIRIT BLADE PRODUCTIONS exists to equip, encourage and inspire Christian Geeks to live in the freedom and purpose Christ offers.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 Fleshing Out And Condensing Story

I started working on the script for Spirit Blade 3 at the end of last week and have been making good progress this week. But it hasn't been easy!

This is my first time writing the third part of a trilogy, and it has challenges that writing the first two didn't. In Spirit Blade, the sky was the limit. I could take the story wherever I wanted! In Spirit Blade: Dark Ritual I had to advance some story elements from Spirit Blade, but I still had a lot of freedom to enter new territory.

In Spirit Blade 3, I'm still moving the story into cool new places that I hope will take things over the top and insanely epic, but I've also got all of the remaining plot threads from Spirit Blade and Dark Ritual to treat and resolve.

Right now, I'm creating separate outlines for each plot thread, such as: Saolos/Sanctafi, Legion, "Falcore's Legacy" and Raan/AIA/Ebony. Once I have the arcs figured out for each plot thread, I'm dropping them into the main story outline to see how they all can best fit.

At the end of the day I have to make sure all threads are covered well, AND that their arrangement in the story still results in good story pacing! So this scripting process easily involves more logistics work than I've ever had to do. Very challenging, but also very exciting as I see things start to work and come together!

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, May 20, 2011 "Pilgrim" Commentary, Part 2 and Writing Spirit Blade 3!

The second part of the Pilgrim's Progress Interactive Audio Commentary is available now on our Media Page!

In this section I talk about a "He-man" inspired scene, and why you should watch movies before listening to our audio dramas! Check it out!

I'm also thrilled to announce that I have officially begun writing Spirit Blade 3 today!

Although at this point it's mostly a more detailed version of outlining, I've also written a few snippets of dialogue here and there as I'm inspired.

And after a phone call yesterday I can also confirm that Sean Anthony Roberts will be returning as Brother Saolos! Boy do I have some interesting stuff planned for him!

The blank page is mocking me, so I'd better go cover it with words!

Have a great weekend!

-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, May 18, 2011 Finally Moving Forward! (I Hope)

I couldn't be much happier today. I've been under piles of stupid, monotonous work, I've had an ache in my back for two days and the video game I've been playing crashed beyond my ability to recover my save files. And yet...

Next week I will begin writing "Spirit Blade 3"!

I'm finally out from six months of non-stop "marketing"(shudder...) and can get back into the creative work that I love so much. I still have a few housekeeping items to get to this week, which is why I haven't started writing already. Of course, it's also possible that I'll be done "housekeeping" by the end of tomorrow and can start writing as early as Friday, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

At this point, I would really value your prayers. I believe that God has brought this endeavor as far as he has in response to prayer. My prayers, your prayers and the prayers of people I've never met and who may have not even heard of us. I'm also convinced that God often waits to move forward until his people are on the same page with him, which is what prayer is primarily about.

So if you could, please pray that God will energize and make productive any marketing work I've done that is in line with his agenda. In order to move forward from here, it will be important not only to build more connection with existing fans, but find new listeners to connect with our products and be a part of what we're doing.

The work of marketing and networking has been like throwing message bottles out to sea, with no idea who might respond or even read the message to begin with. But I've done all I can for now in my own strength, which amounts to nothing if God doesn't make it effective and propel it forward.

You can also pray that the way I choose to spend my time and direct this endeavor is in line with God's agenda. Outside of his plan, it's all a waste of time and useful to no one, so I want to be on the same page with him.

Stay tuned! Pretty soon I'll be able to start reporting progress for the script of Spirit Blade 3, and from there things will only get more exciting!

Thanks so much for your support! It means a lot more than you might think!

-Paeter Frandsen

Monday, May 9, 2011 Earn Rewards As A "Blade Runner"!

There's a new way to get involved and reap rewards with Spirit Blade Productions! As a Blade Runner!

From time to time in our Newsletter, I'll feature a "Blade Runner Mission" that anyone can participate in. A task will be presented (usually something to help promote Spirit Blade Productions) along with a deadline and the reward. Complete the task and e-mail us the proof, and you get the reward!

Freebies, advance content, special events and more! Subscribe to our newsletter, and when the call goes out, accept your mission and join the ranks of the Blade Runners!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011 The Free Spirit Blade Audio Book Is Here!

It's here at last! The Spirit Blade Audio Book is available to listen to for FREE right now atspiritblade.net/audiobook!

Enjoy this unique, alternate version of the Spirit Blade story, read by me (ever wonder what my "Vincent voice" would sound like?) and enhanced with music and sound effects from the Spirit Blade Audio Drama Trilogy!

Hours of free audio entertainment that you can listen to online or download in mp3 format. Help spread the word and tell your sci-fi loving friends that there's a great free way to experience the world of Spirit Blade!

What are you waiting for? Go check it out!

-Paeter Frandsen

Monday, May 2, 2011 Dealing With i-Tunes

I hate dealing with i-tunes. It's a bit of a necessary evil now and then, as it is this week. In order to submit the Spirit Blade Audiobook to one of the sites I hope to place it on, I have to encode the files using i-tunes software. No other software will do, unfortunately.

I get it. I-tunes is the monster of all digital audio providers. They are the overlords of MP3s. But every time I download it to my computer, it seems to want to take over. The installation takes forever and my computer seems to start up and run just a little bit slower when I have it installed. So I'm itchin' to get this encoding process over with so I can delete i-tunes and once again be free of Apple domination.

Not sure what the rest of the week will look like. My schedule has been very unpredictable lately. But I'm off to a good start in getting the audiobook launched and I hope to have an official announcement for you soon!

And for those wondering, you can plan on seeing "In Search Of Truth" here this coming Wednesday.

See ya!

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, April 29, 2011 Slight Delay

Well, it's been a crazy busy week for both me and my wife, and unfortunately it's all been things that have taken away from my time at Spirit Blade Productions.

Now and then I have a week in "survival mode", where all I manage to do is post on both blogs, keep up with answering e-mails and somehow squeeze out a podcast. This is one of those weeks.

Still, I think the show this week will be a good one. I'm looking forward to seeing and reviewing "Dylan Dog: Dead Of Night" tomorrow morning and getting the podcast out sometime tomorrow afternoon or evening.

Thanks for your patience!

-Paeter Frandsen

Monday, April 18, 2011 Summer Is Coming!

Getting out of church yesterday (a blast of hot Arizona wind welcoming us to the parking lot), my wife and I were reminded that summer is on its way, if not already here. And I'm REALLY looking forward to it!

Not only are there a TON of cool looking movies I want to see, but we've got some cool summer events going on at Spirit Blade Productions, including two big sales (one of which will be mentioned to newsletter subscribers only!) and of course, The Summer Of Free, 2011!

For those who don't know, The Summer Of Free is an annual, summer long event on my personal blog and The Spirit Blade Underground Podcast, in which I highlight, with your help, some cool options for free geek entertainment that enable us to be more responsible with the financial resources God has given us. (I'll be the first to admit how easy it is to recklessly blow cash on a bunch of nerdy stuff.)

This summer, I even plan to create a page (probably on the forums) dedicated to websites and entertainment options featured in the Summer Of Free, both past and present, so that we can all be reminded of the cool free stuff there is to do out there, even during the bitter cold of winter! My primary focus this summer will be on video games. There are some great, free, 100% legal video game options available out there, and I'm planning to spend some time each week checking them out. And you're invited to join me! I'll have more info about how you can help me make a list of the best free games out there in the coming weeks.

Lastly, I REALLY can't wait for summer because it means that I will have about 3 solid months where I can build creative momentum on development for Spirit Blade 3, without being interrupted by my substitute teaching side-gig. My hope is to have the script finished by the end of the summer so I can start developing songs in early fall and begin recording in late 2011 or early 2012. I just have a few more things to do before I can give my full attention to scripting, but it won't be long before I'm writing dialogue for Merikk, Raan and Vincent for the very last time!

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, April 15, 2011 Spirit Blade Audio Book Coming Soon!

At this point all of your suggestions for online hosting of the Spirit Blade Audio Book seem to be in, and I'm beginning the submission process. I'm hoping the book will be available for free in multiple places online for an official launch announcement sometime in the next two weeks.

For those of you who are podcasters, or who know a podcaster who might be interested, I'm offering a free download of Spirit Blade: Special Edition to any podcaster who plays all 12 parts of the Spirit Blade Audio Book on their podcast. This is a standing offer with no expiration date.

It's also a great way for podcasters to take a break from podcasting (as some do over the summer) while still keeping their feed alive with new content! So consider suggesting The Spirit Blade Audio Book to your favorite podcasters! Interested podcasters can e-mail me to request the audio book at: paeter(at)spiritblade(dot)net

Stay tuned for more very soon!

-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Rip Hunter's Chalkboard

I've got one of these, too. It's called my "Agenda Items" doc. Not everything on there stays on there. The order of priority can get switched around. Some items are canceled or replaced by new ideas that come out of the old ones. But it's the checklist of things on my agenda and it might just give you a sneak peak at what is to come!




Release Audio Book to 10 sites.


Create task schedule for Blade Runners.


Create Blade Runners Page and Description and announce. (Create incentive/contest/”mission” that will get five reviews on top five online digital retailers for SB:SE and Pilgrim's Progress.)


Re-write “Getting involved” page to include Newsletter, Blade Runners, and Alliance.


Produce “The Silver Dance” for podcast.


Market announce Brent Weeks interview in as many places as appropriate and give mission to Blade Runners. Look into facebook ad for interview.

Read Untold script and get back to Nathan.

Submit blog article or original article to Captain radio. See 2/15 email.


Troubleshoot more mixer involvement. Mixer training program? Phone time with Paeter? Brainstorm this, maybe with other mixers involved.

Press releases

Develop Audio Book Services


Contact Mesa Tribune Movie Reviewer. Use ChristianCinema.com (and Clash) as publisher(s) and see how to get into screenings.


Contact Wally about a publicist


Work through links at http://www.the-cosmic-forces.net/

Continue working through contacts for http://www.audiotheater.com/atwho.html You're at the Ds now.



Wednesday, March 30, 2011 Out Til April 6th

Just wanted to let everybody know that I'll be out of my office until April 6th. I'm actually out of it now (in more ways than one) and on the road on vacation with my family. But I wanted to jump on here real quick to let you guys know that "In Search Of Truth" will be back next Wednesday and although there will be no podcast this weekend, we'll be back on track on April 8th!

See you then!

-Paeter Frandsen

Monday, March 28, 2011 The Bizarre Bazaar

On Saturday I had a table for Spirit Blade Productions at a quarterly event my comic store chain hosts called "The Bizarre Bazaar", in which local artists get to showcase their work for free and keep 100% of their profits.

Since my work is almost completely an online endeavor, I've never done anything quite like this before. Of all the exhibits there, mine was probably the most "bizarre", given that the word "Christian" tends to alienate plenty of folks all by itself. Mix that with audio drama AND sci-fi/fantasy and you've got an odd combo. But taking all this into consideration, I was really happy with how the event went and the connections I was able to make.

I'm planning to sign up for the next one as well, and I'll be sure to pass along the info for those of you in the Phoenix area that might like to stop by and say hi!

-Paeter Frandsen


  1. Clockwork Ninja FilmsMarch 30, 2011 at 6:12 PM

    It was great hanging out with you there as well.

  2. Paeter FrandsenMarch 30, 2011 at 8:53 PM

    Thanks, guys!

Thursday, March 24, 2011 Casting Call For "Jealousy"!

This is a casting call for "Jealousy", an audio drama produced by "The Spirit Blade Underground Alliance"!

This is a one-shot feature. (Not a series. One, then done.) The story is a post-apocalyptic murder mystery written by Malcolm Cowen! A small community is struggling to survive after a deadly disease wipes out most of the earth's population. But when a mysterious outsider visits the village one night, the outcome is murder. Without an established legal system, this small group of survivors has to determine how they will find the truth, and what they will do when they find it.

The script features some brief, mild "swearing". You may request a copy of the script to examine the specific words used by contacting me at:

Please record your audition at 128kbps or higher in mp3, or use wav file format.
All auditions should be sent via Yousendit (www.yousendit.com) to:

***Yousendit is a FREE online file transfer service. Please remember to make use of it. Do not send your file directly to
the e-mail listed.***

Please use the following format when naming your audition files:

All lines for each character audition should be in one file. However, please submit a separate file for each character you audition for. You may send multiple files separately or in one compressed folder. In either case, PLEASE make use of yousendit.

If a role requires yelling or screaming, please take measures(lower recording levels, increase
distance from microphone, etc.) to avoid distortion in your recordings. Your
ability to do this will have an impact on whether or not you are cast for these kinds of roles.

***Auditions are due by Saturday, April 9th.***

Below are brief character descriptions and the lines to use in your audition.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to e-mail me at: paeter(at)spiritblade(dot)net

Thanks and have fun!

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, March 18, 2011 The All-New Newsletter!

Recently I just launched the all-new Spirit Blade Productions Newsletter!

In the next few weeks I'll be phasing out use of the old newsletter and transitioning to the new one, which features a ton more functionality that will make for a more fun and interactive experience.

The newsletter will now be produced through a blogger blog and is set up so that you can receive posts via e-mail. This will make it possible for me to include links and different media like audio and video right in the newsletter. No more copying and pasting links or sifting through the website to find content featured in the newsletter. It will now be either embedded in the e-mail itself or just one click away, with nothing to download. The Newsletter Page will also serve as easy access to archived editions of the newsletter.

The Newsletter is now designed to be a VIP portal to the essential Spirit Blade Productions experience, and also features discounts not advertised anywhere else. For example, if you weren't subscribed to the newsletter a few weeks ago, you missed out on this year's first "Demented Dollar Download", in which I made "Pilgrim's Progress: Similitude Of A Dream" available to purchase for just a buck!

So don't miss the next Newsletter exclusive sale or the latest free content! Sign up for the newsletter today!

You can get an idea of the new features of the newsletter on the Newsletter Welcome Page.

You can also see a sample of the newsletter on the Newsletter Page.

There will also be a free bonus for those who subscribe in the next few weeks. More details on that next week!

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, March 11, 2011 My Sentimental Database

This week I've started putting together a database of our customers, tracking what they've purchased in our store and when. It's the kinda "business/marketing" stuff that I hate having to do and is usually just a necessary evil.

But as I started going through our store history, I started seeing familiar names and e-mail addresses. People that were strangers to me when they first went out on a limb and bought something from us, but have since become people I've been interacting with for years through this blog, the Podcast or more recently the Spirit Blade Forums.

Just yesterday I sent an e-mail thanking Winston Crutchfield of Critical Press Media. He was the first person(that I didn't already know) to ever buy from our online store. As it happens, he and I have stayed in touch over the years and even spent an afternoon together in person! I consider it part of God's reward for what I do to have met Winston and so many of you guys through this work.

All this to say "thank you" to all of you who have connected with what we're doing and supported this little endeavor with big ambitions. I'm extremely grateful for every one of you and look forward to connecting with you more and more in the future.

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, March 4, 2011 Big Sale Starts Monday!

This week I've been hard at work getting ready to launch the all-new Spirit Blade Productions Newsletter. I'll have more info on that for you soon, but keep your eyes here. There are some great benefits to the new version of the newsletter that you won't want to miss out on!

And as I mentioned on Wednesday, we've got a big sale starting on Monday! Spring break is nearly here and many of you will be on the road to some fun. But you can also have tons of fun on the road itself! 

The "Roadtrip Reduction" sale starts on Monday! I'll be dropping all prices on our digital download products by 30%! Don't miss out on the chance to transform your next road trip into a sci-fi/fantasy adventure! And if you're staying put, but someone else is coming your way, be sure and let THEM know about the money they can save!

The sale will officially launch on Monday as soon as I have posted the announcement for it here. So check back throughout the day!

In the meantime, have a great weekend!

-Paeter Frandsen

This web site contains audio content simulating intense violence that may not be suitable for children.

©2015 Paeter Frandsen. All rights reserved.