Spirit Blade Productions

Entertainment and Resources for Christian Geeks!

SPIRIT BLADE PRODUCTIONS exists to equip, encourage and inspire Christian Geeks to live in the freedom and purpose Christ offers.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 Weight Loss Plan

I'm taking today off to finish recovering from this amazing 24-hour weight loss program I got from my dad this weekend.

Basically, it involves violently expelling liquids from two major orifices, instantly reducing water weight and also activating appetite suppression.

My wife and oldest son got it from my dad, too. So we've been having a great time "losing weight and feeling great" together!

The downside is naturally the "violently expelling liquids" part, and the fact that we weren't able to choose WHEN we wanted to try out the weight loss plan. So we're all still in recovery mode and I'm taking another day off.

I'll be back here on Friday!

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, February 3, 2012 Script Polishing and Card Game Update

This week I've begun what I hope is my final complete pass through the Spirit Blade 3 script to edit and polish it to prepare for recording.

At this point, most changes are cosmetic and don't change the plot, but rather aim to reinforce the story and characters. I'm also doing the best I can to look for any remaining loopholes in the story. I've had my eye out for them since day one, but it's been good to look at the script again with fresh eyes after completing the last draft in October/November of last year.

I've also decided on a slight change in my script polishing plans for the second episode of "Pilgrim's Progress". Rather than worry about getting the entire script into "recording shape" in the coming weeks, I'm going to just do enough polishing to figure out what roles I might like Michael Tully (Raan) and Sean Anthony Roberts (Saolos) to consider recording for if we have the extra time when they each come into town to record this spring/summer.

The remaining polishing for Pilgrim's Progress Ep.2 will now probably wait until after production on Spirit Blade 3 (man, I STILL need to finalize a subtitle for that) is finished. The reason for this is that in the coming months, as I prepare to release the Spirit Blade card game, I will want to ramp up my development schedule and bring work on the card game into my normal work hours in order to make consistent progress with it. (To this point it has been a "spare time only" project to avoid slowing down SB3 development.) As time progresses toward the card game's release, I'll be offering you guys more sneak peaks and updates, and I'd hate to whet your appetite only to continually have to delay the release because of my unpredictable "free time development schedule".

That's it for now! Have a great weekend!

-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, January 25, 2012 Upcoming Changes and Special Feature Delay

With the audio book I've been working on effectively finished, I've been able to turn my attention to a few details that have been put on the back burner recently.

One of these details is the Special Feature for January. As you may already know, I create and release a new "special feature" each month and place it on our Media Page. Usually these are some sort of "behind the scenes" look at the productions we've released, and since last spring they have come in the form of videos nearly every month.

But my ancient video editing software (on my even more ancient desktop) has finally had enough of me, and is refusing to obey my commands, begging instead for a quick and merciful death. Re-installing may be an option, but it's more likely that I'll need to find some replacement software, hopefully for free.

Those of you who have gotten to know me a little on our forums may remember that I am technologically inept. So in addition to the hunt for new video editing software, I will need time to learn how to use it, which I don't imagine will happen quickly. Long story short, I won't be able to release a new special feature this month, but hope to be back on schedule next month.

In the meantime, if you have any suggestions for free video editing software on PC that is "grandma-friendly", I'd love to hear about it!

Leveraging Time

In addition to that little curve-ball, it's become necessary to adjust my work schedule significantly to better serve my wife and two boys. The amount of time I spend workingwill change very little, although my day to day routine is being put on its head.

Because of this, blog posts are now much more likely to go up in the evenings and I'm also planning a change in the regular content of both the Spirit Blade Underground Weblog and Paeter's Brain. My plan is to temporarily switch to a twice weekly posting schedule on Paeter's Brain (instead of three times) while retaining the regular schedule and content for the SBU Weblog. However once I have my ducks in a row, I plan to stop posting to Paeter's Brain and instead place the posts that would normally appear there elsewhere.

When I started "Paeter's Brain", I saw it as a way for listeners of SBP to see a little more of me as a person, and share in some of my random or not so random thoughts. But I believe the forums we launched in 2010 now serve that purpose much more effectively.

The movie reviews, my odd game reviews and philosophical musings about Geekdom from a biblical perspective will soon be posted on a new blog designed specifically for that purpose. I will also include an archive page that contains all of my past reviews and some other posts from Paeter's Brain. This will serve as a growing resource for Christian Geeks who are interested in engaging in their faith more as they enjoy the crazy fun that sci-fi, fantasy, horror and comic books offer.

In the end, I'm hoping this will allow me to leverage my time a little better and bring more focus (and more readers!) to the content I put online to represent Spirit Blade Productions.

If you have any questions, thoughts or suggestions as I prepare to move into this new territory, I'd love to get your feedback!

As always, thanks for your support!

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, January 20, 2012 Great Read-Through and Finishing The Audio Book!

Last weekend the read-through for Spirit Blade 3 went wonderfully! Everyone present seemed to enjoy the story. Jesse Tessier (Claudius Falcore) even stayed till the end when he had originally had to leave early, because "it was all just getting too interesting!"

There are a number of tweaks and polishes I still need to make and so the writing process isn't completely finished, but everything is looking good to begin auditions in a month or so!

This week I put the finishing touches on our upcoming audio book release, "The Golden Knight #1, The Boy Is Summoned" and turned it in to the author for approval. I'll probably get the final okay sometime next week, but his first impressions were that all of his expectations had been exceeded, which was very gratifying to hear! I'll look forward to announcing the release sometime next month!

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, January 13, 2012 Spirit Blade 3 Reading Session Tomorrow!

I am totally stoked for tomorrow! The invitations have gone out, the scripts have been printed and we're ready to go! Tomorrow at 1pm, a collection of family and friends will be coming to my home for a complete read through of the script for Spirit Blade 3. Those attending will include:

Randy Hesson, the voice of Vincent Craft
Holly Frandsen, my wife and the voice of Ebony and AIA
Michael Tully(by speaker phone), the voice of Raan Galvaanik
Sean Anthony Roberts (by speaker phone), the voice of Saolos
Preston Hancock, the "Scottish" Sanctafi
David Alderman, friend and author of the Black Earth novels
Dave Lindstrom, friend and Bible study mentor, to help look for heresy in the script ;-)
Jesse Tessier, returning to voice Claudius Falcore!

This will be the 4th reading session I've had for one of my scripts and the 3rd at my home. Never before have I had this many cast members involved in one, so it's going to be a HUGE treat and a LOT of fun! An awesome way to officially kick off production for this long awaited project!

More details after the weekend!

-Paeter Frandsen

Monday, January 9, 2012 Ready For 2012!

After some very welcome time off, I'm back in the saddle and geared up for a HUGE 2012! God promises tomorrow to no one, but if we're on the same page with him, as I aim for and hope we are, here's some of what's coming this year:

Although 2011 may have seemed like a "quiet" year for Spirit Blade Productions, 2012 will be making up for it! This week I'm gearing up for the official read-through of the script for "Spirit Blade 3" (final title still TBA) this Saturday afternoon. Michael Tully(Raan) and Sean Anthony Roberts(Saolos) will both be on speaker phone from out of state to read the script with me and some other friends, family and returning cast members. Then auditions will begin sometime in February or March! So stay tuned if you wanna be involved!

At the same time, I will also be polishing the script for the second episode of "Pilgrim's Progress", which I will schedule a read-through for in a few more months and then hold another set of auditions to cast it.

In February, we'll see the release of our first contracted Enhanced Audio Book, "The Golden Knight: The Boy Is Summoned"! I'm working on the mixing right now and can't wait to have it out there for you guys to enjoy!

And sometime between now and June we'll be releasing "Spirit Blade: The Adventure Card Game", which I will be spilling more beans about soon!

There are a few things that may also be coming to make the back half of the year interesting, but it's still too soon to talk about them. In the meantime, please keep this little company in your prayer time, asking that God will empower it, and all those involved, to accomplish his plans for it this year, and that I will have the wisdom, discernment and willingness to take it wherever he wants it to go.

As always, thanks for your support! See you back here Wednesday for our continued "Search For Truth"!

-Paeter Frandsen


  1. RickyJanuary 15, 2012 at 7:04 PM

    Do you think Spirit Blade 3 will be out this year?

  2. Paeter FrandsenJanuary 16, 2012 at 7:59 AM

    Good question. Spirit Blade 3 will likely be released, at the earliest, in the first half of 2013, followed about 3 months later by Pilgrim's Progress Episode 2. This year's big release will be Spirit Blade: The Adventure Card Game, preceded by our upcoming audio book, The Golden Knight: The Boy Is Summoned.
    Stay tuned for more info and eventually one or more videos that demo the card game!

Saturday, December 31, 2011 Delay In Returning/No Podcast Jan. 6th

Just a quick note to let you all know that I will be slightly delaying the date on which I am officially back in my office. I had posted January 4th as the date that I'll be in my office answering e-mails again, but even still here on my vacation I've realized that I'll need more time to catch up and get things in order again once I'm home. With an audio book deadline looming and the read-through party for Spirit Blade 3 coming up in a few weeks, January is going to be a VERY busy month!

So rather than heap mounds of stress on myself, I've opted to get some work done "off the radar" first and officially come back to my office on Monday, January 9th, at which time I'll start catching up on e-mails that may be awaiting a response. If you are in that category, please accept my sincere apology at the delay in getting back to you.

In addition, there will not be a podcast episode released on the weekend of January 6th, although I'm already itching to get back behind the microphone! You can plan on the next episode of the podcast coming the weekend of January 13th.

Thanks so much for your patience. Have a wonderful New Year celebration!

-Paeter Frandsen


  1. AnonymousJanuary 4, 2012 at 9:32 PM

    *Dramatic sigh from a random fan* Ok. I forgive you. 
    I shall survive till the next podcast :) Good luck with the audio book and read through.
    Dif-tor heh smusma.

  2. Paeter FrandsenJanuary 6, 2012 at 5:42 PM

    Thanks for your patience! I'm almost caught up and should be ready to be back full steam on Monday!
    BTW, is "Dif-tor heh smusma" code or something in another language? You've got me very curious!
    Take care,

  3. AnonymousJanuary 9, 2012 at 1:38 PM

    It is, sir, translated into English as "Live long and prosper" :)

  4. Paeter FrandsenJanuary 9, 2012 at 4:38 PM

    Oooh! I'm totally going to impress some trek fans. Thanks for the heads-up! 

    BTW, you might find some like-minded, hardcore trek fans at spiritblade.net/forums if you haven't been by there already. I'd love to connect with you some more! 
    Take care,

Monday, December 19, 2011 Out Until Jan. 4th/ Free T-Shirt Shipping!

Well, I thought I would just work for a couple of hours today. But it's amazing how much work is required just to take some time off! Now that the last orders have been shipped and the last e-mails have gone out, I'm ready to make the last post here before I officially going "off the grid".

I'll be out of my office (and not reading e-mails) until January 4th. If you place an order for a physical product before then, it will be processed within 48 hours of January 4th. (Digital downloads will normally process immediately when you order.)

Our big in-store Christmas sale may be over, but there is still a great opportunity to save coming up in our spread-shirt store! 

From Dec 27th - Jan 2nd all orders over $30 will receive free standard shipping! The coupon code is FREEDELIVERY. Minimum order of $30.00 must be placed in basket. Maximum value off of shipping is $9.50.

I don't have any control over when spread-shirt offers deals like this and I have no idea when will be the next time they offer a deal or discount. So don't miss out! Mark your calendar, since I won't be around to remind you! Go check out our spread-shirt store on December 27th through January 2nd and take advantage of free shipping!

In the meantime, I hope you have a wonderful and deeply meaningful Christmas and a fun-filled New Year. I'll see you back here on January 4th!

-Paeter Frandsen

Monday, December 12, 2011 Work Benefits

There are many disadvantages to what I do as the creator of Spirit Blade Productions. I have virtually no assistance in my day to day work. I ship packages and process orders, I do customer service, I have to handle all the business strategy, marketing and planning and try to fit in the creative stuff, too! It's a grueling one man operation with a very steep learning curve, for a company we still put our own money into without seeing a dime back yet toward our own living expenses.

But there are also some amazing benefits that come with the job. Foremost, is the opportunity I have almost every day to connect with, encourage and equip other people in their spiritual lives. That's why I'm in this and why neither I nor my wife ever see us getting out of the Spirit Blade "field".

But another nice benefit, which I am exercising today, is the ability to take a day off almost whenever I want. I rarely exercise this ability. I have a nagging, somewhat unhealthy, sometimes guilt-based work ethic that cracks the whip at my back every day, making it really hard to take a day off, unless my wife is too. (Although she has encouraged me before to take time off even if she's not.)

So today, although it's tough to do, I know I need it. The weekend was nuts, due to two different sets of unforeseen circumstances that doubled my "to do" list instantly. So I'm probably looking at some kind of raging "hulk-out" mid week if I don't set aside work for a day and get lost in a book, Skyrim, or something else equally removed from the real world.

So long story short? "In Search Of Truth" will be back later this week. See you then!

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, December 9, 2011 Our Next Audio Book..."The Golden Knight"!

I'm pleased to finally announce the title of Spirit Blade Productions' next audio book! "The Golden Knight #1: The Boy Is Summoned", by Steve Clark and Justin Clark!

The synopsis is as follows:

In the beginning, the Kingdom was ruled by a wise and just King who ruled by the laws written in the ancient Book. The people were protected by the archangels and the heroic knights. All lived in peace and prospered. Those days are gone...

Flar, the evil fire lord, and his sorcerer, Murlox, have banished the King and his angels behind an energy field known as the Great Divide. The Book has been taken. The angels have fallen. The knights are gone. The people suffer. All that remains is the prophecy and a promise of hope.

Join Marsonee the archangel and Princess Rainna as they embark on a journey to bring an innocent farm boy toward his true destiny.

Given that the book is aimed at an audience of "tweens", and based on that artwork, you might think that this has "sterilized" and "safe" written all over it. But part of what drew me to the story was the inclusion of some "dark" story elements, such as an imposing villain who wears skulls on his armor, a twisted dark sorcerer, and the fact that someone even takes an arrow shot to the face! (I don't think he's gonna pull through.)

So the audio experience will be very much in keeping with what you've come to expect from Spirit Blade Productions.

The production philosophy we've agreed on is one similar to the live action "Narnia" films. Although there are certainly many elements aimed at a young audience, I'm approaching production with the same serious tone I might give to the "Pilgrim's Progress" audio drama series we're already producing.

Speaking of "series", you'll notice that this is book one of a multi-book series. At this point we've only committed to partnering for the first book in the series, but we're hopeful that the results will be successful enough to warrant audio production of the rest of the series as well!

Stay tuned! I'll have more details about my progress on the project and the release as we get closer to February!

-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, December 7, 2011 Ability Cards

This month I thought I'd showcase a key type of card in the upcoming "Spirit Blade: The Adventure Card Game". The picture you see is the uncropped design for an Ability Card.

Most Seekers ("good guys") and some Enemies have abilities they can use in the game to give them an edge. Abilities are represented by Ability Cards, and can usually only be used once per Mission. (Though some can be used an unlimited number of times.) Abilities are divided into categories of Damage, Healing, Manipulation, Prophet, Enemy and Special. (Special Abilities are usually the ones that can be used without limit, such as Shifting, Resourceful, Security Systems and Counter Attack.)

Ability Cards that Seekers have access to are described on their Character Card. For example, the Sanctafi Seeker can take 9 Ability Cards into a mission with him: 3 Damage, 3 Healing and 3 Manipulation. The Prophet Seeker is the only Seeker that can take any Prophet Ability Cards into a mission.

The pictured card is a Manipulation Ability that immobilizes a human Enemy in battle. The concept is based on the way Saolos used miraclai in "Spirit Blade: Dark Ritual" to torture Merikk. Although most cards don't have quite the dark edge that this one does, as you can see, this card game will be every bit as "unsterilized" as the Spirit Blade audio dramas! And being a Seeker doesn't mean you don't still have some rough edges.

Although this card requires some knowledge of the audio dramas to fully appreciate and serves as a bit of audio drama fan service, most cards are completely approachable for those who have never heard of Spirit Blade before.

Play testing has slowed down a bit due to the Christmas season (and yeah, I'm playing Skyrim these days, too), but the hardest work is done and the game is mostly balanced. At this point I'm mainly polishing and making a few minor adjustments that I look forward to telling you about.

Stay tuned for another update in January!

-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, December 2, 2011 Audio Books Vs. Audio Drama

Yesterday I finished recording the audio book that I'm working on, which will be released in February. Although my preferred medium is still audio drama, there are some nice benefits to working on an audio book instead. And they're all related to speed.

Since I'm the only performer I can record at a moments notice as I have opportunity. There is also no time spent directing anyone else. I know what I want something to sound like and can do multiple takes quickly in a row until I hit the delivery I want. And although in some cases it can take me some time to "find" a character's voice, mentally directing myself moves the evolution of my performance forward much faster than verbally directing another actor. Unlike "directing myself", directing another actor involves choosing my words as carefully as possible, for the sake of clear communication and sensitivity to the actor's feelings.

Finally, although I create "enhanced audio books" that include some sound effects and a musical score (the free Spirit Blade Audio Book being an example), the sound cues needed are far less per minute than those required for my audio dramas. So the mixing process has a much faster progression compared to audio drama.

All of this increased speed amounts to two significant benefits. As a creator, I get to have that rewarding sense of satisfaction upon completion of a project much sooner. And as a small business owner, I get to present a new, income earning product for sale much faster as well.

My first and greatest love will probably always be audio drama. But doing audio books, the way I like to do them, can be pretty cool too!

Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more info about the upcoming audio book release!

-Paeter Frandsen

Thursday, November 24, 2011 Black Friday And Holiday Sale Prices Available Now!

All of our crazy 40% discounts are active RIGHT NOW in our online store through December 18th!

But remember, our BIGGEST savings opportunity is on Black Friday, November 25th only! Get the Spirit Blade: Special Edition CD set for an insane 60% OFF, and tax and shipping are still FREE! Just $5.19 to put it in your hands or those of a potential fan you'd like to introduce to the world of Spirit Blade! Don't miss out!

Visit our online store right now!

Monday, November 21, 2011 Pilgrim's Progress "Read-Through" Video!

This month's new special feature is part 1 of a behind the scenes look at the first read-through for "Pilgrim's Progress"! This marks the first time any VIDEO of our script reading sessions has been available, and also includes the reading of almost an entire scene that was deleted from the final cut!

You can watch the embedded video below or go check it out along with all of our other videos on our Youtube channel!


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, November 18, 2011 Fantasy Audio Book Coming In February!

I'm excited to officially announce that I'm currently producing a new audio book that will be released in February of 2012!

This is new territory for me in that it will be the first professional project I produce that I did not write! But the author approached me having already published the book and seen relative preliminary success with it in the e-book world, and once I read it I knew it was something I wanted to be involved in. After working out the business side of things, we both signed on the dotted line and we're now off to the races!

It's a fantasy story aimed at young adult readers, but with cool action and dark sorcery for those of us with a taste for the unsterilized. If you're familiar with the "Tales Of The Kingdom" books by David and Karen Mains (a favorite of mine from my pre-teen years!) I think you'll find this story to be in the same category in some respects.

I'll have more details, such as title and author, as we get closer, but wanted to let you guys know about the exciting news!

Have a great weekend!

-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 HUGE Savings On The Way!!

Get ready for some BIG opportunities to save in the Spirit Blade Productions Online Store!
From Friday, November 25th through Sunday December 18th, all physical product will be 40% off, and tax and shipping are still FREE!!

This Christmas is a great time to introduce new listeners to the world of Spirit Blade! Get the CD sets for either Spirit Blade: Special Edition or Spirit Blade: Dark Ritual (regularly $12.99) for just $7.79 each!

Or shop for that special "completist" by getting the Spirit Blade: Special Edition Collector's Set (regularly $23.99) for just $14.39!

You can also grab either of our Archive Discs (regularly $4.99) for just $2.99! Great as stocking stuffers!

PLUS, on Black Friday only (November 25th), you can get the CD set of Spirit Blade: Special Edition for a whopping 60% off! Just $5.19!!

So make your list, mark your calendar, and tell those who might be shopping for you! This is NOT an opportunity to miss!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011 Sick Day

Hey Folks. I was really hoping to post some more info about the card game today along with a new card image, but something nasty decided to come and live in my stomach for a little while and I just don't have it in me to post about what I wanted to. Hopefully Friday!

-Paeter Frandsen

This web site contains audio content simulating intense violence that may not be suitable for children.

©2015 Paeter Frandsen. All rights reserved.