Spirit Blade Productions

Entertainment and Resources for Christian Geeks!

SPIRIT BLADE PRODUCTIONS exists to equip, encourage and inspire Christian Geeks to live in the freedom and purpose Christ offers.

Monday, November 3, 2008 "SPIRIT BLADE: DARK RITUAL" IS HERE!!

Hello Spirit Blade Fans!


The moment has finally arrived! SPIRIT BLADE: DARK RITUAL is now available at www.spiritblade.net!


This project represents a huge jump forward for me as an artist. I've already heard many times from my test listeners how the overall quality of DARK RITUAL far surpasses what we accomplished with the original SPIRIT BLADE audio drama. I've grown a lot as an audio producer and songwriter, and I'm excited to share that with you through SPIRIT BLADE: DARK RITUAL!


SPIRIT BLADE: DARK RITUAL is available in a 3 Disc set for $12.99 (FREE shipping in the U.S.) or as a digital download for only $9.99. This epic project has a running time of over 3 hours and will immerse you into the world of SPIRIT BLADE like never before! If you're looking for something to make that drive to work, or that exercise routine a lot more bearable, SPIRIT BLADE: DARK RITUAL may be just the thing you need!


With plenty of sci-fi and fantasy action, you'll discover a story that takes you on a mind-bending journey, while also probing issues of faith, tradition, religion and truth. Are these things ever harmful? How can we know what is true? SPIRIT BLADE: DARK RITUAL approaches these issues with an "unchurchy" yet truth-centered attitude, while delivering an audio-cinematic experience like nothing you'll find anywhere else! (Please note: This audio drama contains sequences of intense violence and subject matter and is recommended for ages 16 and older.)


If you can't wait to get your CD set in the mail, or just want to take this thing for a test drive before making a purchase, you can download the first 40 MINUTES of SPIRIT BLADE: DARK RITUAL for FREE in CD quality mp3 audio at www.spiritblade.net! Once there, you'll also find several "behind the scenes" audio cast interviews and features about the making of DARK RITUAL in the "Media" section that you can download and enjoy for FREE! We will continue to update the "Media" page with new content every month over the next 12 months, continuing to take you deeper into the world of SPIRIT BLADE!


Given these difficult economic times, I know that there are many choices you have regarding how you spend your money. I want you to know how much I appreciate your support, and hope you'll continue to pray for me and Spirit Blade Productions even if you can't afford to make a purchase right now.


Thanks for your support and for being a part of this journey with us! Your prayers and purchases always take a very small company like ours one step closer to that next inspired idea, or that next sound effects purchase! You're a vital component that makes all of this possible and I want you to hear a resounding THANK YOU from me as we launch into this next phase of the journey!


Have a great week and remember, in all things, to Seek The Truth!


-Paeter Frandsen

This web site contains audio content simulating intense violence that may not be suitable for children.

©2015 Paeter Frandsen. All rights reserved.