Wednesday, November 5, 2008 Marketing=???
Now that "Dark Ritual" is finished and available, I head once again into the murky fog ridden waters of "Marketing". Over the next month or so, I will try to create some method by which people can hear about "Dark Ritual" and give that free 40 minute download a try.
(If you haven't checked it out yet, jump over to!)
I confess, this is my least favorite part of running a small business and basically wearing all the hats. (Except for crunching numbers and doing tax stuff. My wife does that.)
Where is my audience? Who is my audience? I know who I'm aiming at, but are they the ones actually interested?
Sometimes I imagine handing this marketing stuff off to a "marketing person", but guess what? You gotta pay that marketing person. It seems to be a snake biting it's own tail. For a business to make money, it has to have money. So as much as I'd love to have someone else do this stuff, this company is still in its infancy, and grass roots/word-of-mouth campaigns are about all we have.
That and YOUR creative ideas! Here is my call to all you blog-readers and podcast listeners! How can I mobilize fans of Spirit Blade Productions over the next two months to help me get the word out about Dark Ritual? How can I get that 40 minute preview into as many ears as possible? I've already posted on the online forums that I am regularly a part of, pointing them to the free download. To plug it more myself would qualify as spamming, and I hate spam as much as anybody. So what's an idea that I can present to fans that will allow them to be a part of building the audience for Spirit Blade Productions and "Dark Ritual"?
This is SO not my strength, and I really need your help! Post your thoughts here or e-mail me at. NO idea is too stupid to mention! I want them all!
As always, thanks for your support and for being a part of this truth-seeking journey with me.
I look forward to hearing from each of you!
-Paeter Frandsen