Spirit Blade Productions

Entertainment and Resources for Christian Geeks!

SPIRIT BLADE PRODUCTIONS exists to equip, encourage and inspire Christian Geeks to live in the freedom and purpose Christ offers.

Saturday, October 24, 2009 "Pilgrim's Progress" Available Now!

Hi Everyone!




It is my pleasure to announce the release of Spirit Blade Productions’ latest audio drama, “Pilgrim’s Progress: Similitude Of A Dream”!




Based on the classic allegory by John Bunyan, this re-imagining retains the rich layers of philosophy and theology contained in the original, while repackaging it in the form of a mythical fantasy adventure. Monsters, magic, danger and discovery all await your ears and imagination. The epic story of one man’s journey may just be your story as well!




To listen to the trailer, get more information or download it now, visit www.spiritblade.net!








Paeter Frandsen

Friday, October 23, 2009 Finishing "Pilgrim" On Website

I can almost taste it! The final comments from my test listeners have come in and they all say this project is ready to go! I did my final test listens yesterday and after putting together a brief "Read Me" file for the project download, I will deliver the folder to my tech guy today. Keep checking back here! I may be announcing the availability of "Pilgrim's Progress: Similitude Of A Dream" any day now!


And while you're waiting, you can listen to the trailer on our home page (www.spiritblade.net) and read a little bit about the development of the project(click on "Projects" in main navigation)! FYI, I will be updating the website as well today and tomorrow. So if you come across something that looks unfinished or a link that doesn't work, that's just me slaving away behind the scenes!


Stay tuned!


-Paeter Frandsen

Monday, October 12, 2009 Back On Wednesday

Although it goes against my instinct, I'm taking a little break today and tomorrow to go camping with my family. So our "search for truth" together will have to wait until Wednesday.


When you work for no one but yourself it can be really hard (at least for me) to take time off. Especially right in the middle of crunch time before a product release! But the time off will be good for me and will actually have very little impact on the "Pilgrim" release.


Thanks for your patience, everyone! Be back soon!


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, October 9, 2009 Almost Done!

Well, I've been holed up in my cave all week working hard and fast to finish "Pilgrim", and the time and effort is paying off!


I had estimated the audiobook portion of the project to take around 1 or 2 weeks, but I ended up recording and mixing the entire thing in just over 48 hours! I think it will be a great compliment to the audio drama version and scratch the itch for some you "purists" out there.


Tomorrow I have an actor coming to record the opening and closing credits, along with some lines for the "Pilgrim" trailer, which I will put together next week. Meanwhile, I'm handing out copies of the project to test listeners today and should be getting the "cover image" from my graphic designer this weekend or early next week.


I am surprisingly optimisitic about an October release! But we'll see!


-Paeter Frandsen



  1. Jessica GarciaOctober 9, 2009 at 9:03 AM

    Yay!! Can't wait!

  2. PaeterOctober 9, 2009 at 2:40 PM

    Me either! Thanks, Jessica!

  3. Nathan J. NormanOctober 10, 2009 at 8:02 AM

    I'm really, REALLY looking forward to this Paeter. I think the inclusion of the audiobook can help bridge the non-scifi fans into this project. My wife's not a sci-fi fan . . . and she's looking forward to the project because of the audiobook! Thanks!

  4. PaeterOctober 10, 2009 at 2:34 PM

    Cool! Great to hear, Nathan! In case it makes any difference, you can tell your wife that the audio drama will be firmly set in the "medieval fantasy" genre, as I think the source material lends itself well to that type of setting. No sci-fi involved in this project.
    Either way, I hope she enjoys the included audiobook version! I really enjoyed putting it together!

Friday, October 2, 2009 "Pilgrim" Primary Mix Finished!

As of today, my primary mix for "Pilgrim's Progress: Similitude Of A Dream" is finished! I am now writing the script for the opening and closing credits which will be recorded sometime next week. Meanwhile, I will begin recording the parallel audiobook material to be included with this release.


The audiobook portion of the project will be MUCH easier to mix and I only anticipate it taking a week or two. (Though you all know what my estimates are worth.) I will only be sending out the primary mix to my test listeners, trusting my own ears to polish and master the credits and audiobook. I received very few notes on the mix for "Dark Ritual" at this stage, and so I'm confident I can handle those portions without testers. This will also cut at least two weeks off of the production schedule.


Ryan Emenecker, the designer for both Spirit Blade CD sets and our main website, will be adding text to an image for "Pilgrim's Progress" on the website. We're going for an understated look, but one that I think will represent the project well.


That's all I've got for now!


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, September 25, 2009 Paeter The Dragon

I am officially mixing the final scene of "Pilgrim's Progress: Similitude Of A Dream"! It involves a dragon (I'll reveal no more) and I spent some time looking for dragon type roars in my sound effects library and a few places online, but couldn't find what I needed and didn't feel like spending money.


So I grabbed some household items to help expand my vocal resonating space and recorded a series of vocal noises that I then layered, altered pitch for and added reverb to in order to produce what I believe with be the dragon noises used in the final product. The process has been a lot of fun and is not over yet, so we'll see! But just in case it works like I hope it will, I used some screen capture software to video document my experience creating the effects that you will hopefully see in a few more months!


There is still some other work to be done, too. I need to write up and have an actor record the opening and closing credits, and I also need to record my reading of the original material from John Bunyan's classic, which parallels what we cover in this installment of the series. Mid-October might be pushing it, but I'm working as hard as I can to get it all finished and in your ears!


Have a great weekend!


-Paeter Frandsen

Monday, September 14, 2009 My Real Job

(No podcast this weekend, so no "In Search Of Truth" today. But check back next week!)


There just isn't enough time. I think I feel it most when I'm nearing the end of a project and have self-imposed deadlines that I have shared publically. But I also happen to know that my last two weeks have had an unusual number of "things" that need to get done that have nothing to do with mixing, which is what I'd REALLY like to spend all of my time doing at this point.


It's at times like this that it's really challenging for me to remember what my job is. My job is not to churn out audio dramas on a conveyer belt. Audio dramas are a huge part of my job, but they aren't what primarily defines Spirit Blade Productions and the goals I have for my life and our little company. My job is to share biblical truth with "my people": The geeks. The ones that the church doesn't seem to know how to talk to or what to do with, or that she even judges and turns away. The ones who love exploring new concepts and discussing ideas too otherworldy, philosophical or abstract for "normal people".


Even though it's difficult to feel behind and frustrating to encounter obstacles and "to do lists" that ultimately delay the release of our next project by hours that turn into days that turn into weeks, I do my best to remember that the most important work is still being done, little by little, every day that I remember what my real job is.


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, September 4, 2009 Pushing Through

As excited as I am to finish "Pilgrim", there are still days when work is work and I just have to push through. Maybe I don't feel like mixing dialogue when it's time to mix dialogue, or I don't feel like hunting for an effect when it's time to do that. It's not uncommon for me to talk to myself out loud, saying things like "Just do it, Paeter. Just DO it!" as I force myself to get out of my chair and set up the microphone to record a sound effect that I really don't feel like creating myself.


I had a couple days like that this week, but it hasn't slowed me down much. I'm almost done lining up dialogue for scene 10 (out of 11) and will likely be finishing the scene before the end of next week.


-Paeter Frandsen

Monday, August 31, 2009 Getting Home And Catching Up

We made it home last night and I am now back in the saddle for the home stretch on "Pilgrim's Progress: Similitude Of A Dream".


The "Just Plain Folks" award show in Nashville was a great experience, and although we didn't win in our category, our nomination still represents the most widespread recognition we've ever received and it was an honor to be included in the largest music awards in the world. (In all categories combined, a massive total of 42,000 albums were entered for consideration.)


Our trip to Nashville also gave me the chance to connect with some old friends and spend a little time with family. I was also honored to spend the afternoon with Winston Crutchfield of "Critical Press Media". Winston has been a huge supporter of Spirit Blade Productions and it was a real treat to spend the afternoon with him. (Even though I managed to get us lost at least three times in the maze-like highway system of Nashville.)


But after a great trip, it's time to get back to reality. Though not too much. For the next several weeks I'll still be spending my time in a far off land of fantasy and adventure as I push to get "Pilgrim" out to all of you ASAP!


As always, thank you so much for your continued support of what we're doing! Talk to you again soon!


-Paeter Frandsen

Tuesday, August 25, 2009 Gone This Week

Sorry for the late post. Our internet died over the weekend and we only just had it fixed last night. Bummer timing for computer problems, since I'll be gone for the rest of this week and was hoping to get ahead of the "catch up" that I'll have to do when I get back! (sigh.)


With no podcast this weekend, "In Search Of Truth" has also been delayed. And while I may still post something on Monday when I return, "In Search Of Truth" will not be on the blog until next Wednesday.


My wife and I are very much looking forward to this trip to Nashville. We hope to connect with some other independent artsy types at the JPF award show on Saturday, and can't wait to just take a break for a little bit. I'll be using the time to get caught up on some reading and video gaming, vegging out as much as possible before returning for the breakneck home stretch on "Pilgrim".


See you on the other side!


-Paeter Frandsen

Thursday, August 20, 2009 Two Scenes To Go!

Posting early because I'm taking the day off tomorrow.


Today I've finished (except for dropping in some music) scene 9 of "Pilgrim's Progress", leaving only two scenes left to mix! I plan to get a solid start on scene 10 next week before we take off to Nashville for the "Just Plain Folks" awards show next weekend.


Although the last two scenes of this project are pretty "effects intensive", I couldn't be much more pleased with my progress and look forward to making this project available in early October!


-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 Remote Controlling

My pace has been improving this week and I'm trying to build on my momentum by figuring out a way to control my audio mixing computer with my laptop. I spend a few days each week working downstairs on our laptop while I keep an eye on our son and my wife goes to work. For the most part, it doesn't effect my productivity much, since I can still mix during his naps. And aside from some feeding and brief play breaks now and then, my son isn't very demanding. But the one thing I can't do on my laptop is mix audio, since all my software and files are upstairs on my office computer.


So I'm getting some advice and looking into options that will allow me to control my upstairs computer from my laptop downstairs, so that on those rare occassion when I've caught up on every e-mail, blog post, message board and Bible study, I can get some mixing done, too!


I'm running XP home edition, so I'm told I don't have the built in capability already on my PC. But I've downloaded VNC and am hoping to figure it out soon (I'm not real tech savvy). If anyone else has a suggestion for a free solution, I'm all ears!

Friday, August 14, 2009 Staring At The Screen

So here I am staring at this screen trying to figure out what to tell you all about my progress this week. But all the big progress happened in the first half of the week and I told you about it on Wednesday! The rest has been various emails and things on my to do list and a little inching forward on the scene I'm mixing. So I really have nothing interesting to tell you today.


But rather than spend more time staring at the screen until I come up with something interesting to say, I thought I'd just confess that my brain is currently empty. At least then I can move forward and get some work done that I can hopefully update you on NEXT week!


Have a great weekend!


-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Scene 8 of 11, and "Pilgrim" Bonus!

I FINALLY finished work on one of the most complicted scenes for "Pilgrim" yesterday and have begun work on scene 8. With only 11 scenes total, I can now see the end of this project in front of me like never before!


I also came up with an idea for bonus content on this project that I think listeners will dig. I've decided that each installment of "Pilgrim's Progress" will also come with an audiobook version of the original material from Bunyan's original classic work. So after listening to the "Spirit Blade Productions" version, you'll be able to listen to my reading of the original material and experience the story as Bunyan wrote it!


For those concerned about the effect this will have on release schedule, have no fear. The entire process should only add about two weeks to the production schedule. (And it will add about 40 minutes of content!)


At this point, I'm hoping for a release date somewhere in early October.


That's all for now!


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, August 7, 2009 Can't Wait For Dialogue!

Although I normally do not enjoy the monotony of mixing "dialogue driven" scenes, I'm very much looking forward to one at this point. I've been sitting in water and mud with these characters for almost three weeks now, and to make that kind of environment come to life I have to spend a TON of time layering in what amounts to different kinds of splashes or sloshes.


And I thought mixing dialogue could be tedious.


The good news is, I think this will be a really cool scene when all is said and done, and it looks like I may be close to finishing it early next week, if not today! So I better get back to it!


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, July 31, 2009 Music Makes The Scene

I usually leave music as one of the last elements I add to a scene, but this week I've been working on two action sequences in "Pilgrim's Progress" that run back to back in one scene and the music just HAS to run the show.


It's a little trickier to mix this way and takes a lot more time than it normally would, but the result is extremely dramatic and I can't wait for you all to hear it!


-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 Investing In People

My wife and I have been reading a book together and discussing it as we finish each chapter. We came across a chapter this week that cut to the core of who I am. The chapter was titled "Invest" and was all about the importance of investing time in relationships. This is something I really struggle with. I'm very goal oriented and can easily vanish into my cave for days on end without feeling any desire for human interaction. I enjoy being around other people and have even been known to be the "life of the party". Being extroverted is something I can definately do, but it's like a gas tank feeding an engine with zero fuel efficiency. When that tank is empty, I'm done and NEED to be alone so I can recharge.


I've also learned to be pretty self-sufficient, which is great for the work I'm doing, but also bad for my long-term goals. Relationships are ultimately our source of fulfillment. To love others and to be loved. To support others and feel that support in return.


I can so easily fool myself into thinking that sending a superficial "hey how ya' doin" e-mail to someone is the same as really connecting with them. Real relational investment takes time and it slows down completion of some items on that "to do" list. But I'm aiming to remember that relationships are what life is really all about and have more value and purpose than all those "to dos".


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, July 17, 2009 The Right Music

Well, I've dunked two guys into water this week and so far only one of them has made it out. Before I get the other one out of the swamp I need to find the right musical theme for his exit. Sound a little strange?


For the most part, I leave scoring until the end of my audio drama projects. One of the last steps before mastering a project. But in some cases, I can tell (or even decide) that music will be just as vital to storytelling as dialogue or sound effects. In fact sometimes, it's even more important.


The right musical theme can paint a picture of that royal throneroom better than any sound effects or descriptive dialogue. A deeply moving theme can capture the inner anguish of a character that no amount of voice acting can evoke.


I'm at one of those moments today. I need a theme that expresses emotional stress and danger without sounding like an "action scene". And I need it to culminate in a musical release that speaks of the rescue that my character will experience at the final moment.


I haven't found it yet, but there are several great resources for me to take advantage of. And since I haven't done any searches for new music resources in awhile, I think I may spend some time searching the web again today.


Have a great weekend!


-Paeter Frandsen 

This web site contains audio content simulating intense violence that may not be suitable for children.

©2015 Paeter Frandsen. All rights reserved.