Spirit Blade Productions

Entertainment and Resources for Christian Geeks!

SPIRIT BLADE PRODUCTIONS exists to equip, encourage and inspire Christian Geeks to live in the freedom and purpose Christ offers.

Friday, December 12, 2008 Catching Up!

I've felt very behind for about two weeks now, trying to get the word out as best I can about "Dark Ritual" without being pushy or doing any spamming. Takes a ton of time and thinking!


As of yesterday I can finally say that I feel caught up. I've still got some e-mails to write and some interviews to schedule, but I've been able to slow down a bit and rest for a change, and that's been great, especially as I have family coming into town.


Although the never-ending battle of marketing will continue, I hope to begin giving you regular progress reports soon regarding the development of "The Pilgrim's Progress".


I'm also toying around with some ideas that may result in more audio fiction for you to enjoy from Spirit Blade Productions in the near future and on a more regular basis, but those ideas are still stewing for a bit...


That's all for now! Catch you at the podcast!


-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, November 26, 2008 Free "Spirit Blade" With "Dark Ritual"!

Hello Everyone!


Since the release of "Spirit Blade: Dark Ritual" earlier this month, I've continued to get exciting feedback from those who have listened to it. We broke a lot of ground with "Spirit Blade", but the common opinion among listeners is that "Dark Ritual" is a leap forward in every aspect of production! If you haven't checked it out yet, you can hear the trailer and download the first two chapters (40 minutes) for FREE at www.spiritblade.net !


With the holiday season upon us, I'm thrilled to announce that now is the easiest time to jump into the world of "Spirit Blade"!


From now through December 31st, for every "Spirit Blade: Dark Ritual" 3-Disc set you purchase, you'll receive a copy of the original "Spirit Blade" 2-Disc set for FREE! That's just $12.99 for 5 and 1/2 hours of pulse-pounding excitement unleashed on your ears and imagination! And remember, WE pay the tax, and shipping is FREE! That's even less than you'd pay for the combined digital downloads of both products!


Already have "Spirit Blade"? Purchase "Dark Ritual" and you can give your FREE copy of "Spirit Blade" away as a Christmas gift!


Whether it's for you or the sci-fi/fantasy fan in your life, there's never been a better time to join the experience!


Check out this offer, in addition to our growing list of FREE downloads at www.spiritblade.net !


Have a fun and purpose-filled Christmas, and don't forget... to Seek The Truth!


Take care,


Paeter Frandsen

Friday, November 21, 2008 Holiday Deals and Pilgrim's "Progress"

It's been a busy week for me as I've been working hard to contact podcasts, trying to get the word out about "Dark Ritual". (There are a TON of Christian podcasts out there, but not many doing more than uploading Sunday Sermons.)


I've also had some time to start work on my second draft of "The Pilgrim's Progress: Similitude Of A Dream". I'm getting close to figuring out how the "world" will operate in this story, which is a big key to making the shift from allegory to symbolic fantasy.


As we ramp up for the Holiday season, we'll be launching a promo at www.spiritblade.net next week that will make this the perfect time for new listeners to jump into the world of "Spirit Blade" and provide fans some stocking-stuffer options that give a lot of bang for your buck! Listen to the podcast this weekend for details, or check back here next week!


Have a great weekend!


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, November 7, 2008 My To Do's and The Pilgrim's Progress

I've got a list of "To Do's" made up to help get the word out about "Dark Ritual", but I still need to hear from you guys! I'm looking for a way to get fans involved in getting the word out and I'm fresh out of ideas! So I'd love to get yours!


As for the next release, as some of you already know I'm beginning a fantasy adventure series based on "The Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan. So that we can release material more often, I will be producing this series in shorter segments (about 60 minutes at a time). The Pilgrim's Progress will also not include any songs, at least not in the same way we use them in the Spirit Blade trilogy. In some ways this will shorten production time, but since I'm also working on a music CD release, I'll still be dividing my attention some. (More on that later.)


I've finished adapting about half of the original work, which is plenty to make the first installment from. So for now I will make some notes on the rest of the original work and then focus my attention on further the developing the rough draft script I have for the first chapter of "Pilgrim", which, if you've seen our production schedule atwww.spiritblade.net, you'll note that it is called "Similitude Of A Dream".


I'm hoping to be done with the script for this chapter and begin casting for the project sometime this spring. I will of course keep you updated as we get closer so that anyone interested in auditioning will be able to.


Well, that's it for now. Don't forget to give me your ideas on how we can all spread the word about "Dark Ritual!"


-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, November 5, 2008 Marketing=???

Now that "Dark Ritual" is finished and available, I head once again into the murky fog ridden waters of "Marketing". Over the next month or so, I will try to create some method by which people can hear about "Dark Ritual" and give that free 40 minute download a try.


(If you haven't checked it out yet, jump over to www.spiritblade.net!)


I confess, this is my least favorite part of running a small business and basically wearing all the hats. (Except for crunching numbers and doing tax stuff. My wife does that.)


Where is my audience? Who is my audience? I know who I'm aiming at, but are they the ones actually interested?


Sometimes I imagine handing this marketing stuff off to a "marketing person", but guess what? You gotta pay that marketing person. It seems to be a snake biting it's own tail. For a business to make money, it has to have money. So as much as I'd love to have someone else do this stuff, this company is still in its infancy, and grass roots/word-of-mouth campaigns are about all we have.


That and YOUR creative ideas! Here is my call to all you blog-readers and podcast listeners! How can I mobilize fans of Spirit Blade Productions over the next two months to help me get the word out about Dark Ritual? How can I get that 40 minute preview into as many ears as possible?  I've already posted on the online forums that I am regularly a part of, pointing them to the free download. To plug it more myself would qualify as spamming, and I hate spam as much as anybody. So what's an idea that I can present to fans that will allow them to be a part of building the audience for Spirit Blade Productions and "Dark Ritual"?


This is SO not my strength, and I really need your help! Post your thoughts here or e-mail me at. NO idea is too stupid to mention! I want them all!


As always, thanks for your support and for being a part of this truth-seeking journey with me.


I look forward to hearing from each of you!


-Paeter Frandsen

Monday, November 3, 2008 "SPIRIT BLADE: DARK RITUAL" IS HERE!!

Hello Spirit Blade Fans!


The moment has finally arrived! SPIRIT BLADE: DARK RITUAL is now available at www.spiritblade.net!


This project represents a huge jump forward for me as an artist. I've already heard many times from my test listeners how the overall quality of DARK RITUAL far surpasses what we accomplished with the original SPIRIT BLADE audio drama. I've grown a lot as an audio producer and songwriter, and I'm excited to share that with you through SPIRIT BLADE: DARK RITUAL!


SPIRIT BLADE: DARK RITUAL is available in a 3 Disc set for $12.99 (FREE shipping in the U.S.) or as a digital download for only $9.99. This epic project has a running time of over 3 hours and will immerse you into the world of SPIRIT BLADE like never before! If you're looking for something to make that drive to work, or that exercise routine a lot more bearable, SPIRIT BLADE: DARK RITUAL may be just the thing you need!


With plenty of sci-fi and fantasy action, you'll discover a story that takes you on a mind-bending journey, while also probing issues of faith, tradition, religion and truth. Are these things ever harmful? How can we know what is true? SPIRIT BLADE: DARK RITUAL approaches these issues with an "unchurchy" yet truth-centered attitude, while delivering an audio-cinematic experience like nothing you'll find anywhere else! (Please note: This audio drama contains sequences of intense violence and subject matter and is recommended for ages 16 and older.)


If you can't wait to get your CD set in the mail, or just want to take this thing for a test drive before making a purchase, you can download the first 40 MINUTES of SPIRIT BLADE: DARK RITUAL for FREE in CD quality mp3 audio at www.spiritblade.net! Once there, you'll also find several "behind the scenes" audio cast interviews and features about the making of DARK RITUAL in the "Media" section that you can download and enjoy for FREE! We will continue to update the "Media" page with new content every month over the next 12 months, continuing to take you deeper into the world of SPIRIT BLADE!


Given these difficult economic times, I know that there are many choices you have regarding how you spend your money. I want you to know how much I appreciate your support, and hope you'll continue to pray for me and Spirit Blade Productions even if you can't afford to make a purchase right now.


Thanks for your support and for being a part of this journey with us! Your prayers and purchases always take a very small company like ours one step closer to that next inspired idea, or that next sound effects purchase! You're a vital component that makes all of this possible and I want you to hear a resounding THANK YOU from me as we launch into this next phase of the journey!


Have a great week and remember, in all things, to Seek The Truth!


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, October 24, 2008 Printing and Shipping!

I approved the final stage of printing for the "Dark Ritual" CD sets today and they will finish printing and ship out sometime in the middle of this coming week! With a 2-3 day shipping time, this means the CDs will probably arrive either Friday or Saturday of next week!


As soon as we've counted up the CDs and tested one from the shipment, the new online store features will go live and you'll be able to get your own CD set or digital download of "Dark Ritual"!


For this week's new special feature, you'll find a link on the "Media" page that connects to the "Dark Ritual" Character Files, which give stats and other information on the characters of "Dark Ritual", including updated information for the characters you already know!


To check them out, visit the "Media" page at www.spiritblade.net!


Enjoy our final week of countdown to "Dark Ritual"!


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, October 17, 2008 Dark Ritual Preview And Update!

Today I made a scene from "Dark Ritual" available for your listening pleasure! Well, maybe not so much pleasure. Given that Halloween is just around the corner, I chose to showcase one of the creepier scenes from "Dark RituaL" In general, I wouldn't describe "Dark Ritual" as a "horror story", but it's got its moments and this is one of them. You can listen using the player on the left side of the "Underground" weblog, or download it from the "Media" page at www.spiritblade.net.


The latest in release news is that I've approved the digital proofs that our manufacturer sent to us today. Early next week I'll be getting hard copies to approve. As soon as I call them with approval, we'll movie into production, followed by shipping. A pre-Halloween release date is still possible, but it will be close.


For now, enjoy the preview and stay tuned!


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, October 10, 2008 Dark Ritual: Behind the Scenes with Paeter and Tully!

Tonight I'll be making a late night trip to the post office to send everything off to print for "Dark Ritual!" Woohoo! Things are looking very good for a pre-halloween release!


And, as promised, I've released another "Dark Ritual" special feature that you can download for free on the "Media" page of www.spiritblade.net !


Under "Documentaries> Spirit Blade: Dark Ritual", you'll find "Paeter and Tully, Behind The Scenes(Part 1)". This first part of a two-part documentary showcases material that won't spoil any "Dark Ritual" plot points, although you may find it interesting to listen to again after hearing "Dark Ritual". Mostly, it's a "fly on the wall" look at some funny and insightful moments during the rehearsal/recording process with me and my buddy, Mike Tully.




-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, October 1, 2008 Final Mix Begins!

Hey Folks,


This post will serve as the weekly update this time, since I'll be out on Friday.


Today is the last day that I am accepting feedback notes from test listeners and I've already begun the final mix based on the notes I've received.  I should be able to finish the final audio product before the end of the day tomorrow If I don't have a subbing gig to go to. Then, once our graphic stuff and manufacturers are ready to go, we'll send everything off to print!


It's looking very likely that will happen in less than two weeks, so we're still very much on track for a release before Halloween!


As for the podcast, I'm still not sure if I will be able to fit one in before I leave town this weekend, but at the very least, there will be a new audio feature to download atwww.spiritblade.net. More on that soon!


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, September 26, 2008 Dark Ritual Previews!

Hi Everyone!


I've just posted a new cast interview on the "Media" page of www.spiritblade.net. Michael Tully, the voice of Raan Galvaanik, sat down with me here in person just after recording to discuss the grueling schedule for "Dark Ritual" and what it was like to sing "without notes!" The interview also begins and ends with clips from "Dark Ritual," so don't miss out!


Also, if I forgot to mention it here (which I may have), I've also posted the interview with actor Melissa VanSlyke and clips I played last time on the podcast. Two great reasons to visit the Media page at www.spiritblade.net!


My plan (which I hope you'll hold me accountable to) is to release a new, non-spoiler special feature for "Dark Ritual" each week until its release.


Speaking of release schedules, I am awaiting a final quote from our CD manufacturers that will allow us to move things forward over the weekend. I'm also awaiting feedback from my last group of test listeners, which is due by Wednesday October 1st. If all goes well, I will be able to make the final adjustments to the mix on Thursday October 2nd. Then I'll be taking Friday through Sunday off to have my annual boardgaming weekend with an out of town buddy.


When I return, I'll hope to cross Ts and dot Is and then send everything off to print on that Monday or Tuesday. Turn around time may be as short as 10 days, so the chance of a release date before Halloween is very good. 


Thanks so much for all of your support! I'll continue to keep you posted every step of the way!


-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 Back To Juggling

Well, it's the end of September, which means that my gigs as a substitute teacher are picking back up again. After a week out of town I came home to a three day subbing gig. Great for our family budget, but frustrating when I have a stack of things to catch up on related to the release of "Dark Ritual".


Over the summer, I became used to having at least 8 hours every day to give to Spirit Blade Productions, so to be away from it for a week, and then three more days on top of that, is pretty tough on my patience.


I'm squeezing in some work tonight, which will make me feel better.


I'd love to have more to say, but I think I'd go nuts if I spent any more time tonight staring at my screen to think something up. Better start working on that "to do" list instead.


See ya!


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, September 12, 2008 We Need Your Help!

Hi Everybody!


I've got CDs out to my test listeners and will be getting a sample from our CD manufacturers today, so the end has never been closer!


As I get ready to transition from production to marketing, I could really use your help. Marketing is not my strong point, but I want to do all I can to get the word out about "Dark Ritual" when it is released.


I'll be getting on every podcast I can to talk about it, promoting it on message boards I'm a part of (when appropriate), and sending out e-mails to the folks on our list.


I've used Google Adwords before, but was not impressed with the results vs. investment. I'll be looking into a similar but more focused device on MySpace. But our marketing budget is very small, and I'm looking for as many alternatives to spending money as possible.


Any ideas out there? I'd love to hear them!


Lastly, Hurricane Ike is on the move and reportedly very dangerous. I hope you'll take a moment today and join me in praying for those who are affected by it.


Thanks and take care.


-Paeter Frandsen

Friday, September 5, 2008 The Next Order Of Business

I spent around half of this week working to figure out what company and method we will use to produce our "Dark Ritual" CD sets. Several companies are sending me samples, I'm discussing options with my graphic designer, and I'm also looking for ways to potentially cut corners and reduce costs. It has all involved flexing a different muscle than I have been for awhile, but it's been very good for me and actually enjoyable.


When I ran out of things to do for "Dark Ritual", I pulled out the adaptation work I've done so far for "The Pilgrim's Progress" and continued my work on that project for the first time in many months. Already, I'm looking forward to working on the early creative process for "Pilgrim" and doing the careful thinking, absorbing and studying that adapting that work requires.


I've been working on "Dark Ritual" in one form or another for more than two years now, so putting it down to work on a different creative project felt unusual, but very good. There's still work yet to do before "Dark Ritual" is released, but as I begin the process of "letting it go", I find I'm already anxious for what is coming next.


-Paeter Frandsen 

Friday, August 29, 2008 Crunching Numbers

It's a little like "Groundhog Day" for me as I listen to "Dark Ritual" over and over and over...


Tweaking and polishing, making subtle changes that may be unnoticed, but will result in a better listening experience. That's the main focus at this point.


By early next week, I will be handing "Dark Ritual" to various "test listeners" to gain those last bits of vital feedback before passing through it all one more time to finalize the mix for duplication.


We're also working hard to use our funds responsibly. As it stands now, producing the 300 physical units we're planning to, combined with associated costs, will come close to cleaning out our budget for "Spirit Blade Productions". The same thing happened two years ago when we printed "Spirit Blade". We were hoping to reduce costs by printing a smaller number of units (less than half the amount we did for "Spirit Blade"), but with rising costs everywhere and an additional disc in this set, it will cost just a few hundred less to print "Dark Ritual" than it did to print "Spirit Blade". 


We're doing what we can to explore money saving options. After all, we're anxious to start our next project, which will only cover one disc and have a much quicker production schedule, so we'll need funds sooner! However, we are unwilling to release a product right now that does not meet the quality standards we are determined to achieve.


Some of you may be curious about the purchase price for "Dark Ritual". While we won't be able to determine that until we get the bill from the CD manufacturers, we want to put this project in your hands and ears for as little money as possible, while allowing us to stay afloat through your support. "Spirit Blade", a two disc project, sold for $15.00 at the time of its release. We are committed to selling "Dark Ritual", a three disc and nearly three hour project, for less than that, and still with free shipping.


So stay tuned. We'll keep you up to date as best we can. Meantime, don't forget to join me for the 6th and final chapter of "Spirit Blade" on our podcast this weekend!


 Right now, though, I've got some listening to do!


-Paeter Frandsen

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 Three Hours That Fly By

It's kinda strange in the final stages of "Dark Ritual", to get through in three hours something I've been working on for more than two years.


I'm really pleased with the way things are turning out. I've learned a lot since producing "Spirit Blade" and am experiencing the mastering process with much more confidence this time.


Granted, it can always be better, and if I had the money, I'd have the entire project mastered professionally. But when your production company is made up of one guy and his wife(with the aid of some great volunteers!), there's a good amount of work you just have to figure out and do yourself.


And for two years on this project, that's been the name of the game. I've inched over every moment of this massive audio drama for hours upon hours, weeks upon months. So when I can hit "play" and experience the whole thing in just under three hours, it's pretty strange.


You might be thinking, "A three hour audio drama? That's freakin' LONG, man!" But by the end of this week, I will have listened to it, front to back, more than 5 times, and I can't believe how short it is. 

Friday, August 22, 2008 Final Stages

We are now entering the final stages of production for "Spirit Blade: Dark Ritual". Our graphic designer is looking into options and pricing for CD case production, in addition to completing his work on the design for the rest of the 3-CD case.


Paeter is beginning his first of many listens to the entire project and preparing to hand it over to a small team of test listeners for further examination.


Although we are still unable to pronounce a release date, once we have decided on a manufacturing company for our CDs, we'll have the information we need to narrow down the field to a single month.


In other news, you may enjoy listening to the podcast this weekend, as Paeter, through a series of audio journal entries recorded on site, shares his GenCon experience! Info on new games, role-playing stories and the continuing quest to find parking!


Have a great weekend!

This web site contains audio content simulating intense violence that may not be suitable for children.

©2015 Paeter Frandsen. All rights reserved.